Babycakes bought me a nice warm sweater for Hanukkah!

I will show y’all when the sun rises bc right now, tis too dark, I am going to maybe have a shower today bc I think Liz is wary of the weather. It’s going to be fucking crazy. 

I have to wait for the sun to rise or go into a lighted place bc I forgot to make my personal Mii character. I’m just waiting on four games….  I need to use the loo soon. 

So as Christmas creeps ever closer, what are your hopes and dreams for the new year?? I don’t ask about resolutions, I ask what your hopes and dreams are. Mine are good health, fun times with Babycakes and Julie, and just peace. No more drama.


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December 22, 2022

hope your christmas is amazing! love you my friend


December 25, 2022

@kaliko TY and right back atcha!

December 26, 2022

My hopes and dreams for the new year?  I hope I feel good and don’t have much pain.  I dream of more visits with Beau and come April, the new baby.

December 27, 2022

@happyathome Ahh!! Is the new baby a girl or boy? Mazel tov!