Peeking Into the Past

It’s amazing to see how much my life has changed, since I began this diary, so many years ago.

Yes.. it was indeed years ago.

The most of my growth has occurred in the past week or so.  Newfound, intense love.  Someone who cares for me more than any man has, ever.  And through him, I’m healing from hurts that still plague me… ones that I wrote about so often in this journal.

Things are changing.

Tomorrow, I move out of my mother’s house.  I’ll be free from the constraints I’ve let hold me for so long.  I will be truly free.  It’s an exhilarating feeling.


I hope those of you who may still see this, from time to time, are doing as well as I.

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Thank you so much for the kind words. I know you are right 🙂 thank you !!!

June 20, 2005

*hugs* good for you

Hope all is well <33