roe v wading in a muck pile

Soooo, let’s talk about roe v wade, shall we?  I had an abortion when I was young. right–wrong? not the point for my opinion.  Girls having sex. Girls using drugs/alcohol/sex to escape the mundane. Girls not having adequate family resources to develop self-worth. And when I speak on resources, I’m talking about a social and emotional support to develop the awareness to recognize poor and damaging behavior traits.  For some, abortion is the only solution to a screwed-up life.  I have absolutely no idea how many pregnancies that led to abortions were caused by incest and rape. But my guess is that many abortions were caused by life choices that could have been altered if family and other support groups had helped develop a girl’s self-worth.  A child needs emotional and physical support from family members. Without it, a girl is left on her own to make choices that could define her life forever.  Let’s save our children before and not after.

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May 3, 2022

Very well said! Just another reason why we just can’t lose Roe v. Wade, & why Planned Parenthood (among other organizations) is so important!

May 3, 2022

I agree – the split on life choices versus rape is probably not 50/50. Time and waning urgency has led us to this happening. It’s maddening that pro-life people have to force their beliefs on others when the beauty of the freedom of choice is that they can do whatever they want. Maybe liberals should be flying “don’t tread on me” flags in regards to this issue <_<