Tuesday Feb 6th

Good Morning,

I have already done a million things  this morning and its only 11 am.
Got up at 5 am and got dressed and took my dog out side for her to do her business, it was a little wet out side and temperature was already dropping fast from 45 last night when I went to bed. I then left at 6 am to head over to my Daughter Cat house to get my grand kids up for school.  The reason why I get my grand kids up for school is because my daughter leaves work at 530 am as she is a Starbucks Manager. I first got Bubba up and then saw Rose was up already. I gave Bubba his meds and he just wanted cereal for breakfast. HE got all dressed for school and we sat and he started to read to me form one of his Car books he has. Rose was taking FOREVER to get ready for school and I know why she was going slow. SHE had a very nice relaxing weekend with me and my boyfriend. She needed to get away from home and have some quiet time from her step dad. SO she was slow this morning being all bummed it was MONDAY!! SO we finally got out their door around 715 to drop her off first then I had to get back to my apartment to get Rocket my son who is a Senior in High School. I dropped him off first at the high school and then Bubba was last to be dropped off. His school starts at 840 am. So once I dropped off all the kids I got to my daughter Starbucks store to get my free drink she always makes for me. 😇😅😃

SO how many of you watched the SUPERBOWL game, I had planned to watch Half Time but I forgot to set my phone on a timer to watch the half time singing. BUT I was in SHOCK that Philly won the game, I had actually expected the Patriots to win the game, only cuz I like Tom Brady. HE is a good player. BUT I really don’t care much for Football I prefer to watch Ice Hockey and Soccer.

BUT I am ready for Olympics to start! WOW its already been 4 years since I watch the last one. I like Winter Sports.

Late afternoon. I just got home from Plasma Donation place and I am sad to find out I can not donate blood to any one, As I didn’t realize I need my plasma for my own Auto-immune Psoriatic Arthritis. I wanted to help others but I need to help myself I guess. OH well. Life goes on!

I am hoping to see some changes in the weather soon as I am ready for some warmer air, for me to get out and walk more and find places to go hiking and just get out. I am in Spring Fever right now. I guess I need to have a little more patience don’t I! I am sure I am not the only one here!

Well I must get off and get things done. Dakota wants out and go slide down the hill of snow as she loves doing that and go roam around for a little while.
I hope y’all have a great week!!