Putting myself on the piedestal

All my life I put all others ahead of myself. I wanted always to be loved-at home and out of the home. The problem was that I never knew how energy worked and how this repelled the ones I was “running after”. This last situationship with Anders helped me see how detrimental this is. I put him up so high that he just ran as fast as hell the other way. He told me how much he put me on the piedestal but in reality he ran. I have cried these past 2 weeks not only about loosing him but that I walked away to save myself. I put myself in a better place by letting him go. I will never chase no man again ever!!!

By chase I mean energetically. Always being first to write or call, his needs understood but mine forgotten. This made be take a deep look at my cour wounds from my childhood, I never contemplated this before this deeply. I guess we meet people for reasons and he was my reason to start loving myself even when my heart broke that I walked away from him.

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