The day I let go

I have always had a big fear of letting go of things, mostly people. I have been in this push-pull situationship with a man these last 9 months, not a good thing. When I ask myself what has he given me my answer is nothing. Only words no actions what so ever-none. He seems like an avoidant and we are getting no where by just texting all this time. I am ready to let him go. It feels like anxiety but I know this is my past kicking in too scare me again. I need to be strong this time.

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October 12, 2022

I know what you mean about the letting go, but the times that universe let go for me [because when I say i know what you mean I really do know, I won’t let go!!] oh the sweet life that follows.

Good luck, my friend.

October 12, 2022

@bronner how do we get help from the  universe? I am in pain like 24/7 and I know its about me not him

October 12, 2022

@zowey I feel like we both know what we need and what we need to do, and both in our own ways, and for our own [often seemingly good reasons]  don’t do it.

for me, it seems as if that is when ‘the universe’ takes over. and it’s my experience that this universe always feels necessary to take me on a wild ride to get my attention.

for example. i needed to make changes for well over a year to my life, but i kept thinking, tomorrow, tomorrow either things will get better or i will fix it tomorrow… instead sept 1 i presented at emergency dept in septic shock with Afib and being treated for lyme disease and shingles and also we have not even yet addressed something not right on my adrenal glands.

so it maybe isn’t even as much the universe sending a nessage as it is our own lives or bodies saying … we cannot live in this toxic environment. whatever it is.

i’m sending you good thoughts that you can live / create a life that really celebrates you, adds to your life what you really really truly want in it.

it’s short no matter how long; we must find how to make it sweet. xo

October 12, 2022

oh left out the lodged kidney stones that caused the sepsis

October 13, 2022

@bronner I pray for your health and hope you will be healthy again…thanx for sharing

October 12, 2022

I can relate to this so much right now