everything that is meant or you will come

This concept is not easy to comprehend in our ego. We usually try to attract things that we want by means of thinking about them obsessively and this does not work out. Things that are menat for me will come no matter how long time, distance or obstacles are in the way of your manifestation.

My ego has tried to keep me safe all my life as yours BUT if we don’t see beyond this it will be our worst enemy. To try to understand this simple but deep statement above would save so many heartaches and time but we cannot see beyond the walls of our fears of being rejected by this thing we want so bad. I have repeated this so many times this past year and finally I hit a wall.

I think the universe just had to intervene again when I was so stuck in my repeated cycles that it was the only way to shake me up and put me back on my track. I’m learning to let go faster than ever and when I look back in this diary OMG I was like wasting 8 years of my life to get over my ex and all the shit I went through. Now it takes like a week or two to stop obsessing. I know this is a reflection of my childhood and the anxious attachment style that I have. I never knew this stuff before, I read a lot but it never sunk in that I could be honest I was like this. I guess I m my worst critic and my own best teacher. I don’t know what or where I am headed but I trust now that it will be towards my manifestations I have prayed for all year and beyond….

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