A little bit of the story

Helen and the guard, who she noticed had a half-formed beard, made their way down the hill. She had little need for him, but it was after dark, and after all she had heard some terrifying tales of what might be encountered out in the paths and roads at nighttime. The guard seemed to want to go slowly, and kept on remarking about how fine the light of the moon was, but Helen really just wanted to get to the cottage where she would find her sister and a fire in the hearth waiting for her. Just as the cottage was perhaps 20 yards away the guard slipped an arm around her shoulder and, bending his head toward her ear, whispered “A fellow gets lonely sometimes, stuck in that castle.”

The stench of his after-feast after-drunken breath was as awful as what he was suggesting. Helen removed his arm from her shoulder firmly and said “Oh, see I am quite sure I can make it safely from here. Thank you so much for ensuring my safe passage. I do think you ought to head back to the castle now. After all, the young lady bid your quick return, and though I do not know her well, I dare say her wrath would not bear pleasant fruit.” Her eyes flashed in the light of his lantern’s flame; there could be no mistake in the dismissal or the warning.

He shook his shoulders; his face blank of expression, he said, in brusque military fashion, “As you wish,” turned away abruptly and headed back the way they had come.

Helen then ran down the hill to the cottage, where she hugged her sister and told her all she had seen that day, barely remembering to breathe as descriptions of the castle’s cold enormity and powerful impressions tumbled out to Maggie’s quiet pensive listening.

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Very intriguing! Your talents are many! Hugs,

Hey, Linda left me a private note on Friday telling me she was sorry she tossed me off the ODAnon list and asking if I wanted back on. I about fell outta my chair. What do you make of that?

ryn: Agreed, agreed, on all counts. It made me feel good. You could whitter about olive branches 🙂 Hugs,

Oh boy! More story! : ) Thanks and Hugs

November 17, 2003

More! MORE! *clapping* ;D

November 17, 2003

Golly did I miss some of this? The muse is very adventurous. Keep going 🙂 Hugs

Excellent! I want to read more. 😉 ryn: I agree. I can’t wonder if this is how we create the Bin Laden’s of the world. It’s a scary thought. Hugs,

November 17, 2003

This little snippet by itself is very intriguing.. I must have missed something… Thinking maybe I have read of Helen a while ago but it slips my memory.. I was glad that the guard went quietly and didnt cause her any grief!!

November 17, 2003

*smiles* is that the end of the story.. kinda felt that way at the end. hehe

November 17, 2003

Good story so far!!!

November 17, 2003

This one got my heart beating….more, more.

yay story!

Coolness that Helen is so independant and strong minded and diplomatic too! Total package deal. 🙂

November 18, 2003

…leans forward as if the further off the chair the quicker the rest of the story will come