
Last night, Drew and I were watching a show called “Secret Life of the Zoo.”  I should say that Drew was watching it.  I was playing games on my iPad (Merge Dragons and HomeScapes) and listening.  Because I wasn’t paying close attention, I don’t recall what animals were being observed, nor do I remember the name of the object of my wrath, the “expert” who was explaining the courting ritual.

The animals had an elaborate courting ritual, which the “expert” explained was the equivalent of a man drawing a nice bubble bath for his mate and pouring her a glass of wine.  Apparently, the lady critter was not interested in this particular suitor, so she enjoyed the fruits of his labor and then basically told him to piss off.

The expert explained that “She is the type of girl who enjoys the bubble bath, drinks the wine, and then goes to bed and goes to sleep!”

I nearly bit a hole in my lip.  Maybe it’s menopause. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve reached the point in my life in which there are likely more years behind me than in front.

In either case, I’m kind of tired of talking to brick walls.

Now, in case you don’t understand what I’m irked about, what this “expert” is saying is that the female critter “owes” the male sex because she accepted his offerings.  We’re not just talking about birds or four-legged mammals, he uses human girls as an analogy.  “She’s the type of girl who’ll take the bath and drink the wine, and then <gasp!> go to sleep!”

Am I being overly sensitive?   NO!

I try to point these things out.  Aside from women who have experienced the shady underbelly of our not-so-inconspicuous patriarchy first hand, and a few “woke” men, I am met with a whole lot of but‘s and what-if‘s and you’re-way-too-sensitive‘s, and it makes me want to scream!

Seriously, I came across a profile on Facebook for a guy whose profile picture was the MAGA-hat-wearing kid from that Catholic school who faced off against a Native American elder at a demonstration in DC.  Every visible meme on his profile was bashing feminism.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE.  But it’s feminists who hate.  And for no good reason, apparently.

So, if you’ve gotten this far, still doubt that we live in a man’s world, and are not plotting to drive a car through my house, I have a challenge for you.    There was a time when I didn’t see it – any of it.  Then I was shown the history of the oppression of women.  For a long time after, it was as if my skin was raw.  Everything pissed me off.  I saw it everywhere I looked.  So my challenge for you is to bring back an example that you see in advertising, pop culture, politics, etc.  Examples of how women are portrayed as less, weaker, bad, or sex objects.  You can’t miss it if you really try to see it.  And once you do, you won’t be able to NOT see it anymore.

Keep your eyes and ears open.  I’m counting on you.

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June 17, 2019

*applause* Preach!

June 17, 2019

@snarkle 💖

June 19, 2019

yes, it’s everywhere…  the Asian culture here too.