Driving Lessons, stressful events of the past week…

So my passion for getting my license as fast as possible as been reignited. We had an incident at the house with another family member. He lost his temper and threatened someone else in the family. I just turned 20 in December and have only had my permit so far. I’m going to university this fall. I’m tired of living under someone else’s roof like an overgrown teenager. The drama, stress and very rare fights happen. The usual fights, normally stuff that is no big deal but it just makes my anxiety fester more.

Anxiety and urgency surrounding getting my own place. Last year I was going to have gotten everything done but covid prevented and slowed the process. This year is it. I just dont want to live under the same roof as an authoritative figure and not under the same roof as someone who has a short fuse.

Person with short fuse runs the house, even when he threatened to hurt my mother my father never stepped in.

I decided that getting out sooner is better. I just lost a baby and went through some very rough emotional situations so I was recovering. But now I need to kick things into high gear.

I decided on driving lessons, which an older male friend of mine says he will pay for.

Told my father I would get lessons in July in which he asked how much it was as if he could pay for it(which he can’t, its too much). I told him I will cover it, to which he asks but I can’t just say that I have some random older man paying for it that he doesn’t know.

I’m not having to do anything for it but I know what my father will think anyway. Another reason to move out…having to explain myself when its really none of his business. Who cares where I’m getting the money from? It’s none of your business but unfortunately everyone knows your business if you live in the same house. I would just like to not feel like I have to hide certain things so I’m not misunderstood.

I also can’t date a man without him treating them like crap. I’m not a baby. I’m 20. I help around the house, I’m going to university, I behave myself. But I’m getting too big to stay in such a tiny house with them. I want to hurry up and get my license so I can get my own job and also help support the family through my own hands. I want to be independent as far as I’m able.

Even if I get a license I wont move out right away but a license will give me the option to come and go since I already have a car but am unable to use it without someone in the passengers side with me.


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