Can’t focus

There is always stuff on my mind. Always. All over the place. I’ve been working on my daughters room and it’s not going how I wanted. So I gotta figure that out. I do realize I am needy. I get sucked into something that distracts me from life. Right now it’s other. I figured out what I want to call him. Sparky. Idk why. Anyways, maybe it’s because he sparks my fire. But when he’s busy and I can’t talk to him it drives me crazy. So I need to step back and get my head back.
I told him I’ll only get to see him Wednesday. That makes me sad but it might be good. I’ll be off all next week for my daughters surgery. But I told him I’ll probably annoy him on Tuesday since I can’t imagine I’ll be wanting to talk to baby daddy. Lol. I hate that term. I told him I would have to be PG so that they don’t see my reaction to things he says that make me wiggle. He said good luck with that and game on sister. Which the sister part is weird but I get it. I guess. Idk.
I’m getting my first mammogram next week. That should be fun. And getting another iud because remembering to take the pill sucks.

There is seriously something wrong with me. Maybe if we ever actually get to mess around I can get my head together.  Or I need to just back off all together. He messages me that it was a busy night and we have corporate coming tomorrow. That he’s covered in dust. I just told him good night and sweet dreams. I don’t want to keep him and he works his full time job in the morning so I know he will be going to bed soon anyways.


I fell asleep so I’ll just post this. Probably should read it first but I have a busy day. Good day!

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