Catching up

I’m a little less than 2 weeks shy of it being 2 years that I’ve been paying for this but not writing in it. And it’s been a crazy crazy ride. I really wish I did more because it is nice to come back on bad days and remember that it has been worse and I got through it.

I don’t even know where to start. Let’s try to do a quick recap.

Danny’s dad moved out eventually, not before Danny got fired for reasons I still don’t fully know.  It happened the day before my trip to myrtle beach with Mom and Cam to for Cams 21st. I told Mom an hour before we headed back. She was upset I didn’t tell her sooner but I think they were both glad I didn’t fully mope around, I think I held it together pretty well.

He tried an alarm system job that cost him more money than he made. Then finally joined this bbq group on Facebook and someone told him about a job hiring and he’s been there since. Making more than he did before.

He also told me he was questioning his sexuality and I found out he would send dick pics to random attractive friends or people he knew. I wonder if thats really what happened for the job but that’s whatever. I told him he needed to figure something out because we were supposed to be getting married and I’m not going to marry someone who isn’t going to be satisfied with me. I’m pretty sure his Dad was living with us then so it made it so.much harder because he didn’t want his Dad knowing he didn’t have a job and I know his Daddy isn’t stupid.

There’s just so much. We got his dad moved somewhere else and the guy evicted him because he didn’t want to fix stuff that was messed up and wanted to sell the home. Idk.

Anyways, so he told me he only wanted me and we got married. We’ve had sex maybe 10 times in the last 2 years. I think my vagina is growing cobwebs until I started using toys again. Which I don’t like using anything inside me. I like staying tight.  I feel like I’m in my prime sexually and he has no desire. And it’s bad because I’m overweight, my biggest ever but all I want to do is have sex.

I moved to night mst, went to New Bern ad pricing, moved to days to do delivery coordinator, they let us hire Cameron because of this pandemic and she just started at state so I had to go back to nights. Luckily pricing was open again.

He found out he has high blood pressure. Really high. We got a new cat, Zeke. I made a lot of friends at work.

We want to buy a house, have a baby idk. I need to lose weight. I don’t want to be fat and pregnant.  Idk. My brain is all over.

Next time I’ll have to talk about Sophia in the hospital and dealing with Josh and stuff.

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August 22, 2021

Hi there, my vagina has cobwebs too *le sigh* But seriously, welcome! 😀