My sanity

Idk the last time I wrote. But it’s been a miserable two months. So much has happened and I feel like I should vent but then I feel like I’m a jerk because of how I feel but then I feel like our circumstances arent being taken into consideration.

Right now the situation is we live in a 2 bedroom trailer that barely fits us 3 and now someone’s living on my couch I paid way more than we should for someone to be using it for a fucking bed.

 There is a hurricane outside, the power just went out, my kid has been up cranky af and I’m definitely a bitch if I dont get sleep. So we have that, me super on edge and a cranky kid and everyone asking questions I dont give a shit about. Idk if you turn the generator on. I dont care.

So a few months ago Danny’s Mom showed up crying and told Danny shes out of money, nicholas and his drama girls got his Daddy evicted from his apartment. She they’ve all been paying for him to live in a hotel every night… him, nicholas and catelyn the heroin chick. Then find out Nicholas is on Meth.

We went and picked up his Daddy and hes been living with us since. Except for two weeks he was gone working.

Nicholas showed up one night asking for money and a hotel room.  Freaked out on Danny and left to go to his aunt Gail’s house. They all called the cops. He got brought to jail but his baby Momma bailed him out.

We dealt with that for a while him trying to get money. Showing up high. Supposedly he is clean but I dont want him here. And I’m about done with his Momma and I just want my home back. Or a different home.

The power is out. Generator is on. My anxiety is >< to turning into an attack so I’m going to try to tell it all another time.

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