Where are all the adults at?

My ex finally filed his taxes, yesterday! Reminds me why we are not together. I have been talking to this guy for a few week, I had hope here. I asked when he filed his taxes and told him about being annoyed by my ex waiting until the last minute.  He has not filed and requested an extension.  🚩🚩🚩

Sorry, not gonna happen. You have told me about 2 Caves games you have watched on TV, chilling at the lake drinking coffee and playing golf after work. None of those are a problem except you didn’t adult first.  Am I being to picky? I don’t think so. Tax day is the same day every year. How is this such a struggle for people.

I see no good reason for this. I bought a house, sold a house, bought a car, go to therapy, take care of a child, apparently have OCD, hang out with friends and family, while dealing with attorneys, court and a divorce hearing, a full time career and still had my taxes done like 2 months ago. I went to a Caves, the movies, the arcade, got a few massages. I don’t understand!!!

I think I am going to be alone for a while. Please let me know if you have a different perspective and think I am being to picky. Someone please help me understand.

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April 19, 2022

Massive assumption here, but you sound like me in the planning department….  you know what needs to be done, lay out a plan and get it done.  Work before play.  Once all your work is done, you are free to do whatever you want.  Many people don’t think like this, they live in the moment and are essentially “impulsive feelers”.  They do what they want based on how they feel at that moment, and don’t really think too far ahead.
“I have to do my taxes… but I don’t feel like it, I would rather be eating a cookie.  My taxes can wait for another day.”

I find this method of thinking (or lack thereof) to be infuriating.  Avoiding responsibility at all cost in the name of short term satisfaction, even if it means long term pain.

December 11, 2022

Men are definitely a different breed.