Emotional Rollercoaster

Often I feel like I have this never ending emotional rollercoaster. Sense of pride from work and what I’ve done so far. Feeling lonely home with no one to talk to at night (other than some friends to talk). Missing my family who are over 1,500 miles away. Missing my dad who passed 27 year ago. Sense of not know what else to do in life. Sometimes even sense of not belonging on a right place or path.

I know I’ll be fine. I know I’ll find the right path. Even going through this dry desert where no one is around and seems everlasting.

I have to do something else. I did start a new health path which has brought me so much happiness with myself. I want more. I need more.

It’s just those days where you see, hear, feel the moment that makes me angry to not have a clear path anymore.

I promise to be better with myself, am I on a good path. I will work on being a better role model for other to follow. I just need these emotional rollercoaster to stop.

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August 1, 2021

Dear Friend,

The dry seasons are simply awful, and the feelings of being lost and directionless equally frightening… especially as we get older and we have the sense of our own mortality. It’s like we want to parent ourselves with a good shaking some sense into ourselves with the often heard, “Wake up! What are you doing with your life?”

The good thing about seasons is they do change. It’s just sometimes they seem to take forever to change. Remember when we were kids, waiting for summer to arrive, and Christmas? Same thing.

You will get there, and so will I. Perseverance. One of the Virtues. It’s so doggone hard.

Be well. Be blessed. And know you are loved.

August 1, 2021

@caria this is so true. Thanks for these words. Dry desert is bad 😂 I laugh now that I read what i wrote. I will get there. Eventually. I appreciate you 💜