We all have something to say, these are my words
I've always loved to write, its been a passion since I was a child. Hence my reasoning for starting this diary in the first place. I'm not one for just opening up to those I don't know more less those I do know, I'm not a talker in that sense. My feelings and thoughts bloom more in my writing than any other aspects of my life.
It's been a crazy ride
My life has been up and down and there's been a lot of twist and turns. I'm not claiming my life to be worse or better than someone else's because I'm not one to compare like that. I will however talk with anyone, and try to understand and be there to listen to their words. If what I've been through helps someone else then I know it was worth what I went through.
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My letter to you
April 12, 2024
I've thought about this for so long and I'veĀ gone over everything in my head so many times. So many things I wanted to say but never did because I was fighting for a relationship that was killing me slowly. I always felt like I had to endure everything I went though because of you…Continue Reading... -
People are given to you for a reason
April 2, 2024
I'll get right to it, over the last three years I've been more distant with people thanĀ I think I was ever in my life so far. I just couldn't find it in me to get close to people anymore. I went as far as really distancing my self from some of the people in…Continue Reading... -
Somedays I just need space
March 23, 2024
I wouldn't say I'm the most affectionate person out there. I have no issues with cuddling with my kids or any of the kids I know for that matter. Even with my husband however, I wouldn't say I'm over affectionate. Its just not who I am and I don't mean for it to be there…Continue Reading... -
Sometimes the frustration wins
March 12, 2024
I tend to try and keep a lot to my self unless I feel its worth saying something. There are just some battles that aren't worth fighting. I won't lie, there are times where my mouth just gets the better of me and and things comes out without me thinking first. I try really hard…Continue Reading... -
The relationship I share with my siblings
February 26, 2024
I've always had a strong relationship with myĀ siblings, growing up friends weren't always a thing because we moved so much. We spent a lot of time together. Even when we became older and started getting to the point where friends were a thing, we shared pretty much the same friends. We became kn...Continue Reading... -
Being a step mom
February 23, 2024
So some background before I get into the things I want to talk about tonight.Ā My husband and I met when I was only 17, we dated for awhile and things didn't work out. Later on we got back together and even got engaged but again called everything off. Roughly four years later we decided…Continue Reading... -
A little less control
February 3, 2024
I find my self on the negative end of things right now, I keep trying to tell my self to pull out of it and think about better things but its not been easy the past two days. I think the end of January and beginning of February are just hard for me. January 29th…Continue Reading... -
Maybe we should hold ourselves to higher standards.
January 30, 2024
If you happened to have read my entry from yesterday you would have seen where I talked about it being my younger brother's birthday and how it was hard because he passed away three years ago. Also in that post I talked about on the same day my sister's children's father was shot and killed.…Continue Reading... -
A day that started as a celebration ending in tragedy
January 29, 2024
I find my self with so many emotion's today, so many up and down moments inside my head. As I was driving in my car today with the music up loud I found my self drifting back to what I was doing this day three years ago. Its so crazy to think about that now…Continue Reading...
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