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And so this is the end….

January 30, 2014
 I'm glad OD is up and I can write this last entry (in Chrome?! I haven't been able to write an entry in Chrome in months) I've downloaded my old entries, in a couple different formats. I'll hold onto them...I might want to put them somewhere, someday. I read a few the other day....I'm struc...
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Recent Entries

  • 12/08/2013
    December 7, 2013
    So very much has happened since the last time I've posted here. While I certainly don't have time for a "real" post, I do intend to keep this blog active, so the best and only thing to do at the moment is to tell a cute kitten story.   My kitten, Sage, is closing in…
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  • 11/07/2013
    November 6, 2013
    There's an episode in the first season or two of Private Practice....a  pregnant woman shows up, desperate  at a doctor's office, because no one knows what's wrong with her.  After a while, a concerned family member and a bunch of staff from a mental institution turn up....they're ...
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  • Well.
    October 15, 2013
    I need to buy a plane ticket to Colorado for my grandfather's memorial service next month. My officemate made me feel like I was completely callous for not being too upset to work after he died. Who knows. He was 84 (85?) and had Alzheimers. I feel like I lost my grandfather three years ago.…
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  • Progress
    September 6, 2013
     Prescriptions are refilled, and I'm back on *all* my meds like I should be. Paper is 3/4 drafted. About 1/2 drafted by my usual standards, but I need to let some things go to get through this class.  First blog post for Famous Nonprofit written and sent off. J likes it....I'm still not...
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  • Long Holiday Weekend
    September 1, 2013
     Which is mostly being spent working away on my class stuff.... Sagecat has been snuggly and sweet and wild. He's 18 months old now, by my best guestimate (based on the neutering date I have for him, and the obvious reality that he was neutered before being sexually mature) and in this weird...
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  • Starting the semester….
    August 23, 2013
     So, in the chaos.....about 3 weeks ago my program of study committee (well, in particular, my methods person) decided the methods course I was registered for this semester wasn't good enough. The professor of the recommended methods course was out of town and not responding to my emails as ...
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  • Reason #112 why Facebook makes me crazy.
    August 19, 2013
     When I was 15 years old, in the middle of my freshman year of high school, I moved to a small town in Appalachia.  It's a hot mess, honestly. High high school dropout rate, high teen pregnancy rate, not many opportunities to earn a living, lots of meth labs. That being said, it is a&he...
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  • On sickness.
    August 18, 2013
    Somewhere along the way, I realized that with the exceptions of 1)this stupid incomplete class and 2)My program of study form (which is being held up by a committee member's late input that she'd like me to take a different qualitative methods course than the one I'm currently registered) I've hi...
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  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat….
    July 11, 2013
     It's hard to believe how fast the summer's sliding by.  I'm struggling to wrap up an incomplete in a class. A professor friend and mentor and I have a date Monday to try to sort out the analysis and figure out what story I'm telling in the paper. There are some weird things going on&he...
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