Animal whisperer, Indigo child, small business owner, and cult leader. I pop in here every now and then to prove to myself that I am still alive.

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July 9, 2024
  Eons ago I would do daily lists on flakebook instead of individual status updates. I had fun with them, my friends seemed to like them, and it was an easy way to get some shit off my chest if needed. All y'all know how absofuckinglutely unmotivated, bored, depressed, blahblahblahfuckingbla...
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Recent Entries

  • Senior living homes won’t pick residents up if they fall
    May 4, 2024
    Copy/pasted Washington Post article  The link to the story is below   ROCKFORD, Ill. — The 911 call came just before 8 a.m., and Ladder 5′s four-man crew scrambled to the truck just as their overnight shift was about to end. It was the kind of call that veteran firefighter Chad Callison said...
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  • I have a couple of questions
    April 30, 2024
    I have a question for the OG OD'ers Surveys! Man I loved those time sucks! Do you still have any of your original surveys? Have you cringed at the answers? Have you retaken any of them all these years later? do you, or did you in the past have that one survey when your answers…
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  • How to find creativity and purpose in the face of adversity
    March 7, 2024
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  • WMWM
    March 5, 2024
    That pretty woman right there? That's my niece, Kris. She's back on the radio at WMWM in Salem MA and that is fucking awesome. Here's the info from her post. "I am officially back on the radio! Tune into my show Random Words on WMWM Salem 91.7FM where I’ll be playing music and talking about…
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  • Breaking Boundaries: How AI is Revolutionizing the Creative Process
    February 3, 2024 Breaking Boundaries: How AI is Revolutionizing the Creative Process (ChatGPT wrote the above title) I'm not sure how many of you follow any of my socials, but I'm in love with the creative process using AI programs. It started with the Polish app. ...
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  • Meeting The Dark Mother
    January 12, 2024
    MEETING THE DARK MOTHER: Initiation Through Primordial Darkness  
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  • Asset 5
    Maxer, You Weren’t mine, but…
    July 19, 2023
    I'm going to miss you. You were the perfect counterpart to Bix. Calm, cool, collected, and loved your naps outside. However, when something was up in the neighborhood, you took charge and let everyone know that you will kick their ass if they come into your perimeter. Your human mom and dad are d...
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  • Protesting tips
    June 26, 2022
    If you are protesting in a state where a ban is in effect, here are some tips. 1. Immediately delete all digital tracking of your menstrual cycle. If you want to continue tracking, use a handwritten log. 2. Cover your face and any birthmarks, piercings or tattoos that can be used to identify you....
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  • Hello?
    December 18, 2021
    Want to wish everyone a happy HallowThankMas, or, as our dear AloneForever called it, Zmas. Stay safe, stay healthy, and just wear the damn mask Auntie Di
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