Individual. Groups of people and crowds make me feel nervous, regardless of political disposition.

I am a minority. It doesn't matter which one.

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Books r gud

September 5, 2020
Hey. Reading a book. Came across this. "The curse of Narcissus is immobilization, not out of love for himself, but out of dependency upon his image." It just struck a chord with me. Thought I'd share.
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Recent Entries

  • Time
    September 5, 2020
    If your entire life was recorded on film, could you pinpoint the exact moment that you became old? I'm not old.  I wouldn't call myself old or ancient or even aged.  But I am different, comparing now and then, whenever then is. Whenever now starts. Extremely different from 10 years ago when I was...
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  • September 4 2020
    September 4, 2020
    Coffee and computers. They just go great together. Not literally, of course. I started muting advertisements, and it's just so peaceful. I don't even look at the screen if it's a video advert. I have plenty of thoughts in my head, I don't need your ideas mucking it up Pepsi. I finished fixing a b...
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  • Killing Time vs Filling Time
    August 22, 2020
    Good afternoon. Or morning or evening. Wherever you are, good day. My sleep schedule is still out of whack, but I managed to sleep at a halfway decent time. Feeling rested. But now I sit here listening to lo-fi and just wonder how I'll fill my time. I swapped out TVs in the common space…
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  • Circadian Rhythm? No Thanks.
    August 21, 2020
    Hello. It's early morning. Not quite sunrise, but some are on their way to work. Lucky people. I haven't slept. I feel okay, but I know I'm at the age where this shouldn't be a regular thing. Really thinking, I don't remember the last time I pulled an all-nighter, intentionally or not. There's no...
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  • Random thought
    August 21, 2020
    I was on Facebook earlier. I've seen too many people using "should of", rather than the actually correct wording "SHOULD'VE" ie "SHOULD HAVE". It shouldn't annoy me, but it does. I'm not trying to call anyone out or pick a fight. I just wanted to vent that somewhere.
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  • Theme of the Week
    August 19, 2020
    If you could stop one human emotion from existing, which one would it be? Confusion. Things would just run so much smoother for everyone if confusion was never an issue. I would like to imagine a world where all of our thoughts and ideas are instantaneous. Think of it. You wouldn't need to 'stop ...
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  • Introduction
    August 19, 2020
    I have never been a particularly open person, so putting my thoughts somewhere out in the world anonymously seems like a good idea.  And I had no preconceived ideas even before I signed up, so this first entry is definitely going to be somewhat disorganized. Looking at the current state of things...
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