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May 3, 2024
Feelings lately. It’s been so long since I wrote here… So lately things have been going better, mostly in the way that I feel. I won’t say things are going that much better at work because it’s still much the same but the way that I am dealing with it seems better. On Monday, last…
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  • 22/04/2024
    May 3, 2024
    22/04/2024 I just feel very shit and emotional today. Yesterday was Jaimie’s birthday celebration and today is her actual 21st birthday. It makes me feel so sad…she has grown up so fast and honestly it just brings up memories of Clint. All that sadness boils up, even as I write this I cry. You ma...
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  • 20/02/2023
    February 20, 2023
    I am seeing my Psychiatrist tomorrow and it is way overdue. I don't think my meds are working for me anymore. I am tired all the time. I sleep so much during the day and then cannot sleep at night. Its a vicious cycle. I have no energy or motivation for anything and I am…
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  • Introduction and First Steps
    February 13, 2023
    Last night as I was trying to sleep, I thought to myself that it would be so nice to have somewhere to put my thoughts where random, unknown people could read them. I have trouble telling people how I feel about them face to face or how they have wronged me. Little did I know…
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