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Avoiding hell breaking loose

July 15, 2024
We were in the middle of a global pandemic which looked like it was starting to let up a bit but then right before the election I saw the death count on my screen rise like never before and then there is an insurrection compounded with a global pandemic at a time when listening to…
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Recent Entries

  • Please, world, change…
    July 14, 2024
    I got scared enough to turn on my phone and try calling my mother. She did send me a couple texts over the last week saying she couldn't sleep or eat and about calling the police to do a wellness check on me or something (like we all knows what happens when the police get…
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  • Sick
    July 14, 2024
    Sometimes after writing I make a list in my head of things that I could have been clearer about or that need to be corrected since I strive to be as accurate as possible though depending on the purpose of a particular writing it may be more or less important. I'm on the fence about…
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  • Joe Biden and the Lord Almighty
    July 13, 2024
    Joe Biden was put into a sort of catch 22 when the media put him in a position where calls by some in the Democratic Party for President Biden to step down does nothing in mainstream discourse but convey the impression that the Democratic Party is divided and cannot defeat what Donald Trump repre...
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  • How to Use Chat GPT in a Courthouse Café (Tutorial)
    July 13, 2024
    Me: what are the latest election polls Chat GPT: Here are the latest poll results for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, comparing key candidates: Pew Research Center Poll (July 2-8, 2024): Donald Trump: 44% Joe Biden: 40% Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 15% Ipsos/ABC News/Washington Post Poll (July 6-1...
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  • Mambo Number Five
    July 10, 2024
    I've felt lazy the last couple of days. I want to translate the second chapter of this book and I might do that tonight. I haven't turned on my phone in days. The more I think about it the most likely place that 'David' is right now is dead and if he were would anyone…
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  • An ordinary day in Puerto Rico
    July 9, 2024
    Today was an ordinary sort of day in Puerto Rico. Every day is completely different from every other but today was an ordinary sort of day. I woke up and walked to the post office where I found a key inside my PO Box. I do not know if they only do this in Puerto…
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  • Why Joe Biden won the ‘debate’ (part 2)
    July 8, 2024
    Trump says that during his administration we dealt with COVID better than any country in the world and that we were coming out of it and that Biden brought us back into it so I guess his demographic does not include people who know how to read charts and statistics. The US had one of…
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  • Why Joe Biden won the ‘debate’ (part 1)
    July 8, 2024
    A Gallup poll from June 1948 showed Truman trailing Dewey 49% to 36%. In June 1980, Jimmy Carter was ahead of Ronald Reagan 39% to 32%. Everything changed thanks in good part to Reagan's only debate shortly before the election. As for me all I know is that I'm absolutely not going to take any&hel...
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  • Please pray for President Biden
    July 8, 2024
    I had a wonderful Easter. I ate across the street from where I was living, at a bakery that President Obama ate at when he came to Puerto Rico, and the food was absolutely amazing. I came back to my room and listened to President Obama's book, A Promised Land, and it was that day…
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