Saturday 6/11/22

8:10pmj I missed a day. Nothing bad happened or anything out of the ordinary. That was the problem. It was just another day in the nursing home. I just couldn’t seem to think of anything to say. I slept a lot. I read the New York Times. I talked with Chocolatechip a lot. It was just another day,ssdd.

I have had good care past night. I had a very aide  who came in to hange me when I needed it. I slept good with little arthritis pain. I had a dream about my daughter. She was just a kid in this dream. She drew a picture. I saw it and thought it was a Picasso. I praised her for being a prodigy. Then everyone talked about my knowledge of art. I kept saying I wasn’t just a hillbilly from WV.

I had another dream. I was walking down a street in a strange city. This street was very spooky and dangerous. Empty store fronts were on both sides of the street. I had a sense that something dangerous was about to happen.  Drug paraphernalia was scattered all over the sidewalk. Something told me to get out of there but I kept on walking. It was if I had to meet up with some evil entity.

Anyway aide came in at 5:30 and got me out of bed. She cleaned me up and hele get in my wheelchair. I was still tired and wanted to sleep but couldn’t. I just sat in my chair until breakfast. I had two slices of toast, scrambled eggs, hot cereal, hot coffee and oj. It was good and I ate it all.

I talked with Chocolatechip this morning. She was worried . She asked about my ulcers. I said it starts to hurt after sitting for awhile. I was also complaining of constipation. She wanted to c all WV advocate because she felt I wasn’t getting good care. I didn’t want her to call because nothing would change. If anything it would only make things worse. Our conversation bead short because she had to take meds.

Well I feel good this morning. Arthritis pain is at a minimum. I feel awake after having slept good despite the dreams. I had a good breakfast and the coffee was hot. Saturday is starting out great.

7:17pm I hada good day today. I was tired and I dozed off and on a lot while reading the New York Times. I was really sleepy in the morning. I think I slept in my wheelchair most of the morning. I did try to read the paper but got so sleepy I couldn’t concentrate. I felt like a zombie until lunch. I had spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad and a dinner roll. I had peaches and blueberries for desert. The coffee was nice and hot plus I had a fruit punch.

Lunch was good . Italian is my favorite food. I ate it all. The coffee gave me a buzz. I was able to read the Times most of the afternoon? As usual there were a lot of good  articles to read. But still I got drowsy and had a hard time concentrating. But I read several articles from the front page. The paper and Chocolatechip kept me going.

I set up a reading goal for myself. I read the paper in the afternoon. Well. I read as much as I can. Then, after supper. I start on my books. I am still on Needful Things by Stephen King. I am really enjoying this book and it is very scary even though I read it before. Anyway I will read this book for two to three hours after supper or until I get tired. I think I stayed up until 10:30 reading last night. This was when the aides put me to bed.

I also spend a lot of times browsing for books. Sometime I don’t know what I like more, reading books or looking for books. I love to go to Amazon and look for books. I subscribed to Kindle Unlimited. Here, I can borrow books and read them for free. I spend a lot of time looking at books. I found some of my favorite authors that I can read for free. I like this much better than B&N

I had a fish sandwich with veggies for supper. I had a cookie for desert and then I had hot coffee and fruit punch. Supper was good and I ate it all.

Even better I had nice aides today. I can’t complain about anything. This was a great day.

9:55pm I have been reading Needful Things. I’m tired now and would like to go to bed. I’v been in my wheelchair since 5:30 this morning. That makes it over sixteen hours in this damned chair. But it looks like the aides will keep me up for another couple hours. Damn them. I’ve been reading half the day away and am pretty well tired of it. I have nothing to do until they come to put me to bed. I wish I had something else to do besides read.

I have been looking at TV sets on Amazon. I found one for around $180.00 I tried to work out a budget and I think I do not doable. I would love to have a TV. Nursing home said I would have to. furnish my own when I asked for one. I can’t see how I can afford one. But then again I spend at least $180 on books. It is a big investment and I will have to think ?ong and hard on this one.

Arthritis is acting up. I’ve been pain free almost all day. Now it rears its ugly head when it’s time for bed. I hope it doesn’t keep me up at night. I’m tired and would love to get a good night’s sleep.


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June 11, 2022

That’s good that the pain levels are tolerable and the day is going well so far!

June 12, 2022

How many kids do you have?

That second dream you had makes me think you feel unsafe in your environment and maybe even a bit lonely…that’s just my interpretation.

I definitely think one month you should refrain from ordering any new books and get a t.v.instead.  You would really enjoy that and it would pass the time when you are tired of reading.