
Guess what internetlings? This woman has lost a bit of weight. 5 lbs!! Not too shabby eh? I have Maman + Sheri-berry’s good cooking and my exercise regimen that Jessie Inchauspé recommended to thank!! 😀 That is great news!! Plus, I got a glowing report from my nurse and dietician!! I’m being set back to 10 units of insulin at night! It was at 12! *grabs your hand and dances around*
Happy is me! Angelique did say though, I need to get a good pair of running shoes and I might get them off Amazon. Even though they are a bit pricey, I like the Skecher’s slip ons very much… does anyone have these?? Are they good??
And, I need to send in my new 3DS XL to be fixed. I think it’s either a) the cameras, or b) the screens need replacing, or c) all of the above. Plus, I need a bigger microSD card installed and for that, they need to do that, cos you have to unscrew the backing of it, as the SD slot is in there and not on the external bits like the regular 3DS/XL, y’know?
So, I’m just biding my time, waiting on Dave to bring me some $$$. I have some in the bank, but my bank is Tangerine and they are, I guess online only?? IDK really…
So, all around good news! 😀
I feel like doing zoomies like a cat or dog, that is what they do when they are either happy or excited… or maybe just plum crazy? LMAO!!!!!
woo – 5#! that’s great!
@strawberryjelly I know! 😀 TY ♥
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That’s awesome news!! congrats! 🎉
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Congratulations Sammy on your 5 pound weight loss. That’s fantastic! Keep up the good work, make healthy food choices and exercise. You will feel so much better and your diabetes will improve. Make going off insulin be your motivating factor.
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Very happy for you my friend, keep up the good work!
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