That’s why I call him My Sweet Baboo

Oi Vey!

what a night.

I swear I’m such a dumby, but I have a really awesome boyfriend (when he wants to be) ha ha.

So last night I went home, cooked dinner (spicy spaghetti sauce served over macaroni noodles and biscuits) played "Cookin Cookies" with my boys (this crazy game I bought for 5 bucks from target.) It’s cute and super fun and really up the alley for boys because you have to pound these spoons with sucker cups onto these cards and try to get all the ingredients for your cookie (you get a recipe card). There are "rotten eggs" in the pile, so if you get one you have to yell "Rotten Egg!" and put back all your cards (everyone is doing this all at once so it’s chaotic, right up the alley for my boys) until someone gets all of their ingredients. We each won a game and they had a blast.

After that I went to play some video games and Baboo told me where he would be for me to pick him up around 10ish. I looked at the location and locked into my brain where I needed to go because that’s one of the normal places I’ve picked him up…


I took a shower and got all sweety smelling and then went to get him.

I waited for 20 minutes and he never showed.

I was really confused and frustrated. I thought maybe he had missed his bus or something.

I couldn’t call him because he had lost his phone (which I found at my house in my underwear drawer. ha ha. I cleaned it out and made it basically his drawer and I put a bag of my socks in it. ha ha) and so it just really nerve wracking. I ended up going back home to check our chat conversation again (thank god I set AIM to log all my chats!) and I realized I had GONE TO THE WRONG PLACE. (oh yeah, did i mention that I left my phone at home for the first trip and I think he tried to call me from a payphone or someones borrowed cell and I missed it? *siiiiigh*)

I felt like such an idiot. It was over half an hour since I was supposed to pick him up and I wasn’t sure if he was gonna wait there or try to get on another bus or what! So in a total panic I jumped back in my car and got over there as fast as I could. The entire drive I was beating myself up and preparing myself for him to be REALLY  mad at me. Especially since it was a simple thing and it’s because I wasn’t paying attention that he had to wait there for so long.

I felt awful and I wanted to cry.

I get over there and I don’t see him. I go to look around this bus stop cuz I saw someone on the bench but it’s not him. I’m about to get in my car and go up and down a few streets (in case he started walking… which would have SUCKED) when I see him coming up the street. I waited for him to get to the car and I was sure he was gonna glare at me with his mean eyes (which I hate his mean eyes! they make me wanna cry!) and yell at me or call me stupid or something.

but he didn’t.

He was smiling.

He understood.

He comforted me and told me it was ok.

He kept asking me if I WAS ALRIGHT, rather than just thinking about himself who had been waiting around for a stupid amount of time while his dumb girlfriend drove in circles cuz she can’t retain simple information in her brain.


Anyway, we got home and he was sweet and cuddled me and made me feel better and was just a really sweet wonderful boyfriend.

If it had been ME left standing for over half an hour after 10 pm on a crazy street corner with drunks hanging out and loons, I’d have bitten BOTH of his heads off and made him paaaaaaaaay.


but he didn’t. And that is just one of the things that makes him wonderful. He has his faults and he can be a giant pile of poo, but really, there are things that just scream to me how right he is for me. Especially when he knows me well enough to interpret a situation like that when we couldn’t communicate and then come make it all better.


Anyway, that was my night and now this is my day.

I have some things to talk about later… iiiincluding:

*Crazies on the train

*An Addiction

*A new weight loss plan, not for the squeamish!


(I wish it was Wednesday. Thursday sucks!)

Log in to write a note
July 28, 2009

I have done some crazy stuff like that….more than I care to remember. Glad he was understanding.

Whoa! I left the note and it was all normal. I hit the button and it refreshes all GREEN. You cant do that to me, man.

and here i thought it was because his jizz tasted like candy! my bad!

July 28, 2009

I’m glad he didn’t get mad.. but man.. I would have been. lol. He’s showing a more sensative side. I like that.

This has me smiling. Good for you.

July 28, 2009

Awesome. He did good. 🙂 I do bimbo things like that too.. but it’s okay. We both rock.

My husband is like that. He would have been all sweet about it. Sometimes he amazes me that way. I think “How the hell are you being so sweet. I would be going OFF!”

July 28, 2009
July 28, 2009

its amazing how different men and women are!!! i would have been Pissed!!!

July 28, 2009
July 28, 2009

That literally just made me tear up! 🙂

This is probably the most adorable thing I have ever read about him. =) I would’ve been pissed, like you, if the situation were reversed. He is definitely a sweet guy when he wants to be.