Zombies hate blueberry muffins!

Hello little box. *smoosh*

Why yes, that was my boobie.





 Thirty minutes till lunch.

Guess what I have?

It’s not a muffin!

I’d be so jazzed  if I could have a GIANT COSCO BLUEBERRY MUFFIN RIGHT NOW.

I’d probably even settle for a apple crumble one… or even chocolate chocolate chip!

Now I want them all.

I never buy Cosco muffins. They’d go bad…



So I got a note about the "new style" of zombies in the movies.

I agree, fast smart zombies are a bit too much to really believe (but it’sa movie so it’s ok, lol).

I don’t think that’s how they’ll be unless the cause is a genetic alteration to MAKE them fast and clever.

Otherwise, I really think they’ll be slow enough to run away from and stupid enough to not be able to open doornobs and shiz… unless residual memories remain, then they may be able to do that.

But really, I do enjoy the fast zombie because at least when the people get eaten its believable. I really don’t get how people don’t run away from the slow ones, i mean COME ON! They are always falling and getting eaten, ridiculous!The zombies are slower than 2 year olds!!! You should be able to smoke them! Knock them down with a bat and get the hell away!


Rule 1: Cardio.


I wonder if there is a site with ALL the zombie rules from the movie posted.

I must go see…

Also, are my new diary colors annoying? I don’t want tt be annoying, so let me know.

I like it, but it’s missing something….

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October 6, 2009

When was the last time you tried chasing a 2 year old! They’re fast little buggers! I could go for a pumpkin spice muffin. Mmmmm-muff

Nice little box you got there. Giggity.

October 6, 2009

You can freeze those muffins. Each in their own little ziploc.

October 6, 2009

Nope, not annoying at all. It’s very autumny

lol @ your boobie smushed box. And, I think your colors are festive.

October 6, 2009

HA! YOUR’S IS MISSING SOMETHING?! HA HA! Must be my excuse as well then! (I’m lucky if I can have one, for more then a week, sometimes!) LOL! And yes, very nice, (and I’d also commented on it, an entry ahead too, I think it was.) And no, at least to ME, it’s not annoying.

October 6, 2009

while 28 Days isn’t technically a “Zombie” movie, it introduces the idea of the fast zombie. I like fast zombies. they taste like chicken…

October 6, 2009

In I Am Legend those zombies were fast & smart… although they werent necessarily dead either.. but still… they were zombies…

October 6, 2009

Hey, how did you get that little box?