A Homage to Whyte Ave, My Home (dial-up beware)

Yo, so…I don’t know if you know but I live in probably the best neighborhood in the world, possibly even in the multiverse. Mostly known as a place to get drunk as the ave has some 150+ bars in about 20 blocks. But there’s a lot more shit than that that makes it cool. My favorite thing about it is that, while something like 80% of businesses on the ave are independently owned, people get cranky when they hear some big chain is trying to open up shop. There’s a commitment to keep it authentic, so that’s cool. And there’s something for everyone across the whole cliquey spectrum.

ANYway…here are a bunch of pictures. Some we took a long time ago, the others I stole from Google Earth.

This store sucks, but the sign is shiny


Opa! This corner is full of chain businesses.



I’ve never been inside this place but I love the building

Strathcona Hotel…place is so old my grandma had her first drink in its bar.


Another view


The Princess….mostly indie and local films.


A great used book store…cheap and rare stuff


Old Post Office…now a bar


Old train station…Now a bar. I think…they look the same


My Favorite library


From the back…after renovation

I don’t know why, but there’s always bikers and vintage cars parked here


Street Car Named High Level


Street view


Plush skate store + Avenue Guitar + KNIVES = Cool but expensive as fuck.


Statue of girl saving fireman from outdoor grass fire.


Theater in the…theater district, I guess


"these flags suck! these flags suck!" I’ve never been to a protest anywhere else in this city.


Mickeys! Old school, but it closed




Casual Fridays


Mural that reminds me of that creepy comic book Lost Girls

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And of course…hockey parties


Okay…Done and done. Some of em are kinda eh…but I need a new a camera. Anyway…this is my part of city. Just like San Fransisco’s old emperor.

Have a good weekend all.

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June 17, 2010


June 17, 2010

wow your city is so different to ours… your buildings are completely unlike ours, you have history and old stuff to poke fun at. i don’t envy the hockey parties….but the stories in your history i do. what state are you in?

June 17, 2010

i love places like that…makes me miss vancouver a bit

June 17, 2010

Such a pretty town!!!

June 17, 2010

why oh why does that place look familiar to me? (i worked for southwest/US Airways for years)(so many weekends, so little memory) I could absolutely swear i’ve haunted those places.

June 17, 2010

Ryn: Hmm, good point.

June 17, 2010

Your city looks fun. Any reason for the opa? I’m Greek, so that leapt out at me. The girl was saving the fireman? Interesting! Tim Hortons! OMG, I hate that there are none here in the States.

June 17, 2010

Your downtown is so cool. Reminds me of Austin.

June 18, 2010

no sanctuary?! *cries* Oh well at least you got my Elephant Castle in there 😀

June 22, 2010

Im going to have to do that one day, take everyone of a tour of my crappy city… And then you can see how lucky you have it, lol.