Facebook & Memes

I mindlessly log onto to Facebook to try and catch up with friends, see where they have been and what they are doing, instead I’m bombarded with comments and memes about guns, Trump, abortion, mocking the Parkland kids and more.  While all of those things are disturbing enough what really bothers me is that people actually believe those things and post that crap as if a picture with two sentences, many times spelled incorrectly, can sum up a very complicated situation.  If life were only so simple.

I’ve given a lot of thought to running in the 2020 Presidential election. Can I really be that bad compared to what is going on in Washington now? I’m a centrist, a thinker and believe that in given situations there are merits to parts of what both sides are saying. Our world has become so polarized that there is no middle ground. Life is now black or it is white (not in a racial way).  I have no shot at winning a Presidential election. I have no money and certainly don’t rub elbows with the rich and powerful.

I’m trying to decide if Facebook has any value left at all. Maybe just to screw with analytics. I’ll post contrary crap so they can’t figure out what I’m all about or what side I fall on. Ha! Take that Facebook data miners.

We now return you to your morning coffee and angering meme…

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March 29, 2018

I love this entry.  My feelings exactly. I go on to FB for the same reason – catch up with friends and family – only to get caught in a rabbit hole of stupidity. I sometimes think to myself is this all real? Is Donald Trump really the president of the United States? Or is this some kind of really bad joke?