My Novel

I mentioned in the last entry that I had a book that was burning to come out. It’s been years that it’s been in my mind and over a year since the word vomit of a first draft. Today I started doing a good outline and using some of the advice that I found online. I’m feeling better about it and it doesn’t really change the major arc of the story.

So what is the story? What if God was not happy with how humanity has grown? In the Catholic religion he has already sent down his son, Jesus. That event started a new religion which has grown but has issues. So what if this time he sends down his daughter? A female messiah. Though I’m not writing it from the perspective of her. I’m writing it from the perspective of a priest. There is obviously a lot more to the story as I explore religion and how people interpret it with a suspense style story. Think along the lines of the DaVinci Code tension.

I’ve had a few friends read the rough draft just for comment on the idea of the story and they have all liked it with suggestions for improving some aspects of it. It’s unique, there is nothing like it out there that I can find and even mythology of a female messiah is sparse to non-existent. Now the hard part, write it so someone actually wants to read it.

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February 8, 2018

Sounds like a solid and very brave idea. Can’t wait to hear more about it. Anything that could cheese off religious folks usually gets a tick from me.

February 16, 2018

Hello there. Are you the same Crossman that used to write on OD? Are you now a nurse? Just curious. If you are, I used to follow you but can’t remember if I ever left notes.

March 27, 2018

I would totally read it! And I hope to!