Road to Authorship

I’m always looking around for ways to get better at writing. As I mentioned in my last entry, writing is not something I’ve been formally trained in. The closest I came was taking English II at college and my professor encouraged me to keep writing as she thought my essay on Emily Dickinson was really well done. That’s a far cry from writing a book and any formal training on how to do it.

I came across a video series by Brandon Sanderson, a fantasy writer, that follows his class as a professor at Brigham Young University. You can view the series here (link). It’s been an interesting series and I have learned some things.

It just makes me think that I need more of a formal education in writing but where is this all going to go? What is my desire, really? Could I write something that could sell like Stephen King or some of the other major authors or am I destined to sell a dozen books via self publishing? Who knows really until it’s out there.

So what is it that I’m so hell bent on writing? Perhaps I’ll talk about that in my next entry though I don’t want to give away too much as I do want you to buy that book when its released.


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February 6, 2018

But surely if you gave people a bit of heads up over what the book is about… wont that build the suspense till it comes out? .😀 hope it goes ok.x

February 6, 2018

There are online classes available that you can use to learn how to become a better writer. I’ve been writing for over twenty years, and I found taking the Aaron Sorkin Masterclass to be very helpful, and even inspiring. I’ve considering taking more masterclasses as there is one by James Peterson and David Mamet that I’m eyeing at the moment. Not sure which one I will take, maybe both, but I am a firm believer in finding inspiration to write anywhere you can…


February 6, 2018

I don’t know how convinced I am that seminars and courses are a reliable route to success in creative endeavors, particularly writing. There seems to be plenty of successful authors who just got there through persistence, luck, having a good story and a high school level understanding of sentence construction.

Maybe I am wrong and there is a tonne of evidence to the contrary, perhaps it is a case of who you know and making connections. I am glad I’m not an aspirant writer.