Does your Holy Spirit Even Lift, bro?

The man implied that the Holy Spirit could not act because of my fear. Wow. That is a weak Holy Spirit this guy is selling them. I grew up in the Pentacost tradition of the Bible Belt. The Holy Spirit I knew of would heal the sick, raise the dead, and turn water into wine. Seemed silly that could be thwarted by my internal conflicts.
I didn’t yell at the TV, because my Other had reminded me that I sit too far from the TV for the people to hear me.
But I wanted to yell at the other people seeing the broadcast to realize the lies they were being sold, because it angered me so. The wrath is impotent, though, because they believe the lies. They feel the remorse, they eat the sin that was never theirs, and was never a sin.
But they carry that burden, and it blinds them.  They buckle under the weight of that grief, that longing and loss, and they do whatever they are told to make it go away.
They believe it is their fault, so they accept the burden, while others fly away in fancy jets with the seed money the prayers of the destitute had bought them.
Let me say this, my Brothers and Sisters, these men are charlatans, that preach to you a gospel of prosperity! It is their prosperity you are supporting, not your soul!
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January 24, 2022

Preach!  Our fears can lead us into greater strength because of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit won’t avoid you because of fear.  The Holy Spirit doesn’t just inhabit the nice, well adjusted, mild and polite because Jesus didn’t speak to just the happy and normal citizens.  He reached out to everyone.

My mom used to yell at the TV when I was young.  She was yelling at politicians mostly, but I understand your anger.  Go ahead and yell.  And then tell people the truth and remember to pray.

January 25, 2022

@wrecktangle YOU PREACH, yo!

Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone, they always forget these red letters, yes?

I am not holy enough to be christlike, but I am mad enough to be like the Baptist.  Locusts and honeys for three, please

January 25, 2022

@wrecktangle ps:  NICE handle!  I like the pun!  You like the sacred geometry stories by chance?

January 24, 2022

I’m new here and you are the first post I am commenting on. I do have to say that I laughed because I’m right there with you. Here’s the thing… Love and Fear cannot occupy the same space. They preach love and instigate fear and call it love. They do not teach love, they teach fear because people throw money at fear much easier. It’s disgusting, but don’t waste your anger. Let it make you a greater human.

January 25, 2022

@crikket Then well met, indeed, and I am honored to be your first!

Am I supposed to not forget you or is it me that is supposed to now be unforgettable or is that something else entirely?

I actually had to learn to transform the anger back into tears, so that I could process it out, eventually.  Not for that day, not for a while, but I had to burn out a whole lot of feelings of WTF before I could joke about it thusly.  It still irks me, but when I pray what to do, I get told to care for my Other, my dogs, my cats, and any Other Life I find that needs help.

No fighting skills necessary, so anger is futile.  Empathy is king in my world of useful emotions / emotional constructs (higher order emotions, my term)

January 24, 2022

Your title and the first few lines made me chuckle.

Shaming people over original sin is pretty good way to control the masses. There is a pun I could’ve made regarding mass/masses but I’m too tired to try.  Lol.

January 25, 2022

If what people remember about things I say is that it made them chuckle, I accept.

Given that emotions are tied to the proper encoding of memories, if I make you laugh with my words, they now live in your mind, and like a smile or joy, I have multiplied not subtracted from that I ho9ld dear.  Ideas. Laughter. Connection