oh, look, we’re down again

Yep, more Systems Failure. And right in the middle of registration. Email is also down AGAIN, and the internet is acting very iffy. I basically have nothing to do if I can’t get to our student info system. Well, I am making some folders for new nursing students, but that’s both boring and annoying because the people who did their initial evaluations didn’t seem to quite know what they were doing and there are mystery credits here and mystery credits there and I’m already tired of it. And even for that it would be very helpful if I could get into the system and see for sure what was credited where.

But hey, all these days of the entire campus sitting around playing solitaire is well worth NOT paying for campus wide training from the company who sold us the system! Which I’ve just found out for sure is what they didn’t do. To save money. Wow, that certainly is working out well. So, here we are.

Even better, our receptionist is deathly ill and is wandering around looking like she’ll be keeling over at any moment. She’s been sick for days yet won’t stay the hell home. I guess it’s more rewarding to come in and complain and let everyone know how awful you feel. I suggested several times she GO THE FUCK HOME go on home and lie down, but for whatever reason she’s sticking it out. She’s got this endless array of symptoms which don’t add up to anything specific but all sound contagious. She does have a doctor’s appointment at 2, but if she’s as sick as she says, she needs to go to the emergency room. I should feel more sympathetic, I KNOW, because she really does look like death itself and she’s been feeling awful for weeks – but I’m more interested in not catching it myself. Whatever it is. This is why I could  never be a nurse. I’m all "oh, poor thing …. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!"

And my ankle hurts, darn it, and I’m not getting any sympathy!!!!

Okay, it doesn’t hurt that much. It aches and I’m mostly tired of not being able to get around, and not getting any exercise makes me cranky and whiny. I’m sure you can’t tell.

But, in the Things Could Sure Be Worse department, Baker B’s niece called me last night. Which was really nice – we don’t ever call but I’d emailed her yesterday because Baker B’s mother, in her usual Old Person Living Narrow Little Life way had told Baker B that 1) this niece has to have a hip replacement and she’s only 38 or so, and 2) his other niece was in a horrendous car accident, WEEKS ago. So I’d emailed M to see what the heck is going ON. I knew M’s hip has been giving her lots of trouble – she’s got juvenile arthritis, and has osteroposis (spelled totally wrong) problems as well, and when she was pregnant the little bit of extra weight she gained really made it worse. But the hip replacement was a shock. So I got the details on what’s going on with her, along with the rest of the "Oh, J and B had a bad wreck and were in the hospital…. what’s for lunch?" story.

Well,  J and B live in Colorado, and were coming home from a hike, and were in a three car wreck where one person was killed – they were both airlifted to the hospital in Denver, but are doing okay now. The driver of the BMW  that crossed into the oncoming lane and caused the accident was an apparently famous skier – Max Mancini – and it was his pregnant girlfriend who was killed. I’ve been googling things all morning and found several articles, but mostly it’s about Max Mancini, of course. Who has been in intensive care until fairly recently. Looking at the photo from the first article,

the road is flat and straight where they wrecked, and it’s a mystery what happened. Apparently drugs and alcohol weren’t a factor, but they’re still investigating. In that photo, it’s J and B’s truck that’s turned on its side, and J is the person they had to cut out of the vehicle. The worst thing was that M said both B and J were drifting in and out of consciousness before they were rescued, and both of them saw the other lying there with blood all over them, and they each thought the other one was dead. I can’t imagine how horrible that was. And I’m so happy they’re okay – they are both still recovering, with broken bones and gashes, but it could have been SO much worse. Even their dog, who was in the small seat behind the front seat of the pickup, was okay. There were two dogs in the BMW who died.

And my poor uncle, Cousin E’s father, is back in the hospital again with lymphoma, having more tests, trying to figure out why he isn’t responding to treatment and if that’s even what’s really wrong. It’s very scary for everyone, although it sounds like he is doing better now that they’ve got him back in the hospital. Instead of being at home where he can insist that he’s perfectly fine.

So, my achy ankle is pretty insignificant. As is the meltdown of our system.

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November 14, 2007

Oh, wow…that wreck is horrible. I am SO GLAD that your friends are okay, how tragic!

November 14, 2007

pretty bad accident. i’m glad B and J are mending. what a terrible thing to think they each thought the other was dead. “”oh, poor thing …. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!” my sentiments exactly…lol! i almost choked on food reading that!

November 14, 2007

Oh my! So sorry, but as you say could have been worse. The pregnant girl and 2 dogs, how very sad.

November 14, 2007

How totally scary to know someone in a wreck like that!Eeek. It seems like so many people are either sick or taking care of someone who is sick or I was thinking this morning all I should ever write are funny uplifting entries but I can’t… Just like my mouth is sore and your ankle hurts, we are human! We need (mostly)to talk about it. You have my total permission to whine away. The system failure sounds very annoying.

November 14, 2007

OMG the wreck looks and sounds awful. I was just thinking while reading about your sick receptionist…oh man, the worse thing about sick ppl in the office is that they pass on whatever they have to you. keeping my fingers crossed for you. 😉 ryn: thank you! I’m the same re: heat — I’m from TX but have been here since ’02. I’m still trying to get acclimated to the weather even where I am. LOL!

November 14, 2007

Note one; The company who sold y’all the systems does solitaire training? Cool. That was always my answer when selling a computer to a newbie, I’d show them how to get into solitaire and play because it trains you on basic operation and gives you practice with a mouse. I’m not kidding about that, but I am about solitaire training, aren’t I?

November 14, 2007

note two; Aww poor darlin’ I’m so sorry about your ankle, poor sweet baby girl.

November 14, 2007

note three RE accident; Jesus God, that’s terrifying.

November 14, 2007

note four RE your ankle in perspective; Some famous guy said Comedy is when you trip and break a leg, tragedy is when my ankle hurts. He didn’t say it exactly like that, I’m just saying perspective or not when it’s your ankle it’s still pretty damn impartant.

November 14, 2007

what an awful accident!! glad they will be okay. i could never be a nurse… i don’t have a whole lot of sympathy anymore for people who are sick. take care,

November 14, 2007

Oh how awful!

November 14, 2007

Wow. Scary. Yes, things could always be worse. Thanks for the perspective.

wow! goes with the saying; “it could be worse!”

November 14, 2007

Am glad they’re ok – that looks like the kind of accident where no one, um, makes it. Hope the ankle mends fast. ryn – I actually have triple notes. Must be this super convenient wireless is duplicative.

November 15, 2007

ryn: I remember a song from the late 40’s or early 50’s entitled, “I Took My Organ To The Party, But Nobody Asked Me To Play.” If you can ever find it, it’s a riot!

I’m so sorry to hear that Baker B’s niece has to have a hip replacement so young, but they have made great strides in that surgery so I’ll pray that all goes well for her. And J&B-my goodness that wreck looked really bad. Poor things-each believing the other was dead-how scary that must have been for each of them and the poor dog too! Tis good to hear they are healing. Sorry your ankle is giving you so much grief. I’ll give you some sympathy sweetie!! Feel better soon so you can get to all the out of the way places with your camera and take some pics!!

We are flat in landscape and there are car accidents due to speed. I hope your niece recovers quickly. As for your secretary, it would drive me crazy, too. Getting sick is the worst.

November 25, 2007

Holy crap! That is one bad accident! I always wonder about the accidents on straight roads like that, usually turns out to be one moment of not paying attention and catching the shoulder or something. Scary how it only takes that. I LOL and totally agreed with the sick recep. thing. I always think the same thing! Sorry your ankle is sore still, that’s a bitch.

December 1, 2007

Everything gets into perspective when you hear of stuff like that doesn’t it?