On the election.

Is anyone else laughing their ass off at the drama of those who are “staying” at OD and those who aren’t?  Doesn’t it just remind you of the old days?

Anyone who knows me on social media knows who I voted for in the election; or rather, who I did NOT vote for.

The election in 2016 was quite pivotal for me.  Perhaps it’s because I’m in a helping profession and I see the collateral damage of prejudice, racism, sexism, and broken systems all around me.  Maybe it’s because I just recognized that, while, Hillary Clinton was no great candidate either, the alternative was simply unacceptable.

Whatever it is, or was, I lost a lot of friends during the election.  And I watched good people – people I admired, hell one I am EVEN MARRIED TO – vote for this asshole.

I was always an independent; someone who supported a variety of liberal and conservative positions.  After the election, I registered as a Democrat for the sole purpose of getting this madman demagogue out of the fucking White House.

I have a great deal of difficulty dealing with my Trump-loving friends (those who still remain, that is) largely because I simply cannot listen to potentially good ideas coming out of the mouth of a guy who honest-to-God lies, has cheated on his wife multiple times, brags about “grabbing women by the pussy” and literally can’t stop tweeting.  He may have the formula for world goddamned peace, but I can’t listen to it.  I can’t listen to his supporters ignoring the utter stupidity that he is.  I can’t listen to decent, family-and-God-loving people defend this man when he is none of those things.  I can’t pretend to care about how great he says the economy is when my husband has lost his job and a plant down the street from where I live is laying off all but a few employees (A steel mill – remember how we were going to save those jobs?).  I simply can’t sit by and hear this blowhard talk about “chain migration” and hear his supporters cheer that the American people will spend $25 billion dollars on a wall that he swore at every rally, Mexico would pay for.  I can’t argue facts, so I have to stop arguing. It is getting me nowhere.

I also don’t buy into the liberal narrative that he’s going to be impeached (he won’t) or that the Democrats will win in 2020, likely using some old, recycled Democrat because there are so few young democrats out there it seems.  I wasn’t a Bernie Sanders supporter; though I appreciate some of his ideas, I didn’t believe them to be realistic.  Who else is really out there who isn’t over 65?

I have protested, and I will continue to protest.  I went last year to the Women’s March and would have gone this year were it not for a torn ACL.  I bought a shirt to support them instead.  I have publicly said I will take to the street if the DREAMers are deported. I care deeply because what happens in this country impacts the clients I try to serve and the communities I have worked in.  I have sat with clients whose lives are shattered, who cannot get the help they need.  They are drug addicted, but there are no Medicaid beds available.  Or maybe they cannot afford to get their driver’s license.  They have children, but only receive $350 per month in food stamps, and don’t have a car to make it to the nearest food pantry.  They have lost hope, they have mental health conditions, but when they go to the clinic that takes their Medicaid, the wait is long and they are typically given psychotropic medication over talk therapy. It’s cheaper, but those klonopins are worth a lot of money….so maybe they sell them.  They cannot get their baby to the doctor properly and then risk their child being taken from them because of neglect.  I have seen the dark side of America, how America is NOT “great again” and how these forgotten voices are still not heard. This man in the Oval Office did not hear them, and still does not.

I listened last night as this president told us that “Americans are DREAMers too” and waxed on about “chain migration” (which is fucking family reunification, you touchhole), and I’ve heard him talk about refugees (when he has no idea how difficult it is to get into the US as a refugee).  I’ve listened to MAGA and all of it.  It’s sickening.

I don’t believe the whole world is a victim, because it is not.  But I do not subscribe to the farce that says “if you just work hard, you can be anything you want in America”.  If that’s true, tell me why a man of color with an MBA makes less money than a White man with an MBA.  Just an odd coincidence?  No. It’s not.

I am unashamedly supportive of any efforts to get this nightmare out of office, and I swear I would personally commit voter fraud if I thought it would get this man out (in spite of his claims that massive voter fraud occurred in his stupid election win; evidence that he has never produced because it doesn’t exist).  I grow incredibly weary of the cries of “fake news” and people that simply don’t check sources or read original sources.  I despise ‘click bait’ in all forms.  It takes longer, but anyone can research a topic using sources we know to be reliable and reasonably accurate.

My back up husband is John Oliver, if that gives you any perspective.  Quirky, intelligent, well-researched.  I would so marry that man.  The only  negative is that I get the impression he sucks in bed.  I could be completely wrong, he could be fabulous.  But…you know.  Sex is important.  He may be bad at it.

I may have to rethink my backup husband strategy.

There are individuals here, and everywhere, who have different beliefs.  I respect that as much as I can, but I can’t argue it anymore.  If you’re in love with the Yardape in Chief, you do you.  I don’t, and nothing said will convince me otherwise.  He had some good ideas last night, I grant that.  But goddamn, he’s a worthless nasty creature so unworthy to sit in the oval office.  He’s horribly biased, overtly racist, and downright prejudiced.

I’m off to give some reconsideration for my backup  husband.

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January 31, 2018

Since I’m Canadian, I couldn’t vote and I do feel for my friends in the US who had to plug their nose and pick someone. Most of the friends I know who voted for Trump were not voting for him, but against Hillary. One of them told me he’d rather put up with 4 years of Trump, and then 4 years with a real democrat rather than 8 years of Hillary. I think it’s a valid point, and there’s a reason why 19 people tried to run for the GOP ticket, they knew the people didn’t want to vote for her. They’re all in favor of seeing madam president, they just didn’t want the first one to be someone that crooked and disingenuous. I’m hopeful for 2020, as I think there are many young democrats that could make a good run. The DNC needs to get their head out of their asses and learn from 2016 or Trump will be a 2 term president…

January 31, 2018

For the first time in my adult life I did not watch the State of the Union speech.

January 31, 2018

I can’t respect the beliefs of bigots, homophobes, racists, and transphobes. I’m tired of being accused of not being open minded because I think being any of those things above is unacceptable as a human being. BLEH!

January 31, 2018

I just posted on this. Why would they take the time to post here if it’s so unimportant to them? I don’t go into films I don’t want to see, or visit attractions I have no interest in, just to complain about them. Are their lives that empty?

Isn’t the state of American politics sad? I voted for DT because I thought the Nasty Woman was the bigger asshole, but as choices went it was a lose/lose situation.

January 31, 2018

Wonderfully written, encapsulating how I feel. Are you taking applications for backup husband? I have references.

March 31, 2018

I couldn’t agree more.