
I just finished breakfast. I am trying to make up my mind if I want to go swimming or work out on the WII!

I just realized that if I don’t take my grandchildren I will not be close to them. So what do I do? Do I just take them when I feel like it? Do I try to set up some type of routine?

I am playing CANASTA this afternoon. Then I will go buy meat for supper and the rest of the week. If I don’t buy meat I don’t know what to make. Maybe fish tonight?????

The sun is shining.

My son had a large wart removed from the bottom of his foot on Friday. Saturday night when we went there for the party he was in pain and had so much to do. I felt bad.

I have to get moving. I feel so lazy. I could just stay home and do nothing.

Better get going. I guess I’ll go swimming.

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April 22, 2013

Have fun swimming. It is neat you can do that. No pools here open this time of year. These grandchildren grow up so quickly, I know that. Zach will be graduating from fifth grade into Jr high. He is my youngest grandson. Love,

April 22, 2013

I say, take them only when you want to. You will find yourself wanting to after you haven’t seen them in awhile. And then you will enjoy the time more, and think of something they and you can enjoy doing together. You are a wonderful grandma and are always going to be; probably as the grandkids get older you just will find yourself changing the ways you relate to them though. hugs, Nicky

Swimming is such good exercise! Best wishes for working out the best way to have close contact with your grandchildren. RYN: Yes, I agree; we all relate more to what is closest to us. For those of us outside the US however, that includes America because our media constantly tell us what is happening there; US news is as close as our television and computer. (Part of this is because US news is so easily obtained, I think; another part, of course, is because of America’s importance. ) However, the US doesn’t get our news, so Americans know less about us than we do about them.

April 22, 2013

Are you happy once you are actually there with your grandchildren?

April 22, 2013

I had a wart on my foot and it was the most painful thing ever, felt like I was stepping on a little stone every time I walked, getting it removed was equally painful but thank goodness it never grew back, sometimes they do.

I once had an inverted wart on the bottom of my right foot. It was painful, I finally went to the doctors to have it frozen off. I have another wart on my right index finger. The WII is fun, but right now my remote control is not working, I need a new remote for my TV. Have a good week.

The ending slows down a lot, but it is good – Christian Romance.