Hubby left to play golf so I have the whole day to do what I want. When I woke up it was cold. IMAGINE! I even turned on the heat. I am having breakfast. After, I think I will work on my painting. I started one of my granddaughter and it’s been lying on the table for weeks. I will try to finish it today. On Tuesday I hope to go pick up a picture I had framed and bring in others to be framed. I don’t know why but I don’t like to continue a painting that I started. I usually finish a painting at one sitting. Of course it may not be the best but once I do it I don’t like to go back.
I will also pass by some friend’s trailers. I am going to see if I can organize supper out for the women. The men are getting together at four as usual to have drinks. It’s usually here but this time it’s at another trailer. They are going to eat a lot as this friend bought a lot of food. I am sure the men will not want to eat so that’s why i think the women should go out to eat. I’ll see if I can find some women to agree.
I guess if it gets hot we will go to the pool.
Watching LUCY. Have to change and then go out in the screened in porch to paint.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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July 21, 2012

Have a great time!!!

July 21, 2012

Random. Good luck finishing the painting—so you can then do another!

Hi Ginger. I’ve missed reading about a week’s worth of your entries, so had some catching up to do. I’d like you to know that I really appreciate and admire the way you ‘talk to yourself’ through your entries. I know that I am often guilty of wanting to help, so my notes are full of suggestions or ideas. Especially through reading your entries, I’ve become more aware that sometimes people just want someone to listen. They don’t want unsolicited advice. I hope you never filter your thoughts when you write in your diary, because you offer up so much wisdom, compassion, and even inspiration with your words! *HUGS* you a LOT! I hope you have a great day and find women as motivated as you are to make the best of every moment of the day 🙂

July 21, 2012

Have a good day. Love,

July 21, 2012
July 21, 2012

enjoy, hugs p

You are blessed to have a talent like painting. You could be part Japanese. When they do traditional painting, they never go over it again. It is a one shot deal.

July 23, 2012

RYN:School started last August about mid month and let out last day of May at end of day. So kids only got two months barely, of vacation. Love,

The condo is in Bradenton.