Yesterday I finished reading ME BEFORE YOU. I loved it. Author Jojo Moyes. I highly recommend it. Now I have to start a new book. I always find it a challenge to start a new one. I can’t stop thinking about the book I finished.

Yesterday we had our annual corn roast at the campground. It was very HOT and SUNNY so I only stayed long enough to eat it and beat it.

I did more knitting.

I bought a gadget called “rabbit tv.” So far I can’t get it to work. I will call tomorrow for help. It was only ten dollars.

I played Scrabble with a friend at night. I was surprised that I lost. I had some crummy letters. At the beginning of the game I think I picked up every e there was. She picked up the Z and the Q and wrote quiz…………………triple the word score……………… she got at least 60 for that word.

It’s cold here again at night so woke up. I had to put on sweat pants and I turned on the heat.

Thursday I am taking my grandson. I am trying to think of something exciting to do. I think I will ask him what he would like to do although he usually can’t come up with anything. I don’t want to sit in the condo all day watching him play on the computer. Maybe mini golf unless it’s too hot……………………… When he was young it was so much easier. Maybe we can play some games………………………………………..

Our major holidays will soon be here. I am busy trying to think of what meals to prepare. I still don’t know if my daughter will come in from Toronto. I sure hope she does.

The pool is closed for three weeks. I will try to ride my bike more. Hubby keeps telling me I can use our outdoor pool. What is it that he doesn’t understand and accept that I don’t want to be out in the sun. Yesterday he was out most of the day and his face was as red as a beet. He goes out without suntan lotion etc. I keep telling him I will be a rich widow.

I have to renew my passport. I wonder if I can do it online but they probably want a more recent picture. I’ve heard that new passports are digital??????????

Anyhow I should go back to bed for whatever reason…………………….

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August 18, 2013

hugs p

Yes, you be sure to use sunblock when you go out. Have fun with your grandson1

August 18, 2013

There are a couple of very good sun blocks available here. Your husband should really use them. My Dad worked outside most of his life and has had several surgeries for skin cancer removal. Two places could have killed him if it hadn’t been caught early.