Yesterday I made a delicious meat soup including marrow bones. They are so delicious!!!! Anyhow we had the soup and meat for supper. I divided the soup into containers and left them on the counter to cool off. I forgot all about the soup. About nine thirty I went to sleep. When I woke up around three to go to the bathroom I remembered. I was thinking about whether or not I could leave it for the morning and decided not to. After all, a lot of time, work and money was invested. So I woke up. I put covers on all the containers. I went through my upstairs freezer and took out a bunch of stuff to go downstairs. I put the soup in and took the other frozen stuff down to our freezer in the storage room. I know there is stuff there that I won’t use. When I go to Florida I will tell my cleaning lady to use everything up. She won’t be short of soup that’s for sure.


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Tomorrow I am making a chicken soup. Don’t ask me why. I LOVE chicken soup! We’ll have it for supper and the rest will go into the freezer.

I plan to go to the hospital tomorrow. I am not 100% sure as I feel a cold coming on. I am taking extra vitamin C so I’ll decide in the morning. I met one of hubby’s cousins yesterday. She has been a nurse at the hospital where my friend is forever. I discussed my friend with her. She encouraged me to tell my friends to change the floor he is on. The hospital wanted to do it but the family didn’t want to. She said the other floor was better for him. She said a change might do him good or not!!!!!

The weather is lousy so hubby and I decided to stay home on the weekend. Now I have to make some plans! So time to go back to bed. 3:48

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June 7, 2013

wow…you are bright and breezy for it being middle of the night. I hope your cold doesn’t take hold. hugs p

June 7, 2013

was awake with you. not sleeping so good lately. take care,

June 7, 2013

I sometimes do housework stuff in the middle of the night too, including things I forgot to do before I went to bed. hugs, Nicky

June 7, 2013

soup sounds good, it hasn’t been that warm yet here either