Yesterday I had a very productive, busy day! I didn’t stop from morning till night.
I woke around five thirty.
I had hot cereal for breakfast and read the paper.
I went to the dermatologist.
There were two people waiting outside. 
One said she tried the door and it was locked. This was before eight.
A fourth person came and tried the door.
It was OPEN!
We walked in. 
There was a mother and daughter waiting.
We looked at the clipboard with the names listed.
There must have been at least ten people.
They had all signed in and left.
I signed my name and left.
I was not going to wait an hour or probably a lot longer.
I went swimming.
I am determined to swim for thirty or forty minutes five days a week.
I went back to the dermatologist. 
It was after nine and she hadn’t started.
I went to the front door.
I rang the bell.
I spoke to her and told her I would like to help her.
She must be sorry that she ever started a drop in centre.
She was overwhelmed by my offer.
I gave her my name and number.
She will get sick if she keeps up the pace.
She will make a serious mistake.
She will lose a lot of people if they have to wait hours.
I went to the mall to have a second breakfast.
I went downtown to my gynchologist.
I got results from the test I took in the fall.
All is ok.
I drove to a paper store and spent more than I should have.
What else is new.
I have no willpower,
I drove to a restaurant near the hospital.
I had a yummy breakfast.
I went to see one friend.
he has trouble just standing up.
His wife is such a bitch.
I know she must be exhausted from running to the hospital.
The man in the next bed was a cantor at my shul.
He died yesterday.
He was about 90.
The funeral is today.
I am not sure if I will go or not. 
Hubby will not.
I went to visit my other friend.
His wife was at work.
His daughters were there.
The man is the same.
He won’t get out of bed.
How can you lie in one position twenty four hours a day??????????
I am going about three times a week.
I think I will cut down.
So will a lot of other people.
He just sleeps or has his eyes closed.
We have nothing to talk to him about.
I sang a few songs.
His wife came. 
I went home.
We went out for supper.
I had chicken stick and potatoes fries.
We were with some friends.
One couple was CRAZY but fun!!!!!!!!!!
Her mother is over 90!
She went to the hospital for something.
The doctor checked her out.
He told he she could go home.
He asked her if she was ready.

SHE SAID ONLY IF HE WOULD COME WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE got home after nine and by ten we were in bed.
So that’s my story.
I’m tired just from typing this all out.
This morning I will go swimming.
I might buy chicken to make a soup.
I might buy meat to make a meat soup.
I will cook this afternoon……………probably tomorrow.
I am not sure if I will go to the country.
They predict rain. UGH!!!

Yesterday when I went to the bathroom there was blood – probably from hemorrhoids.
If it happens again I guess I will go see a doctor. AGAIN!

Time for breakfast and to read the paper.
Have a good one.

I feel a cold coming on.
I hope not.
Must take extra vitamin C.

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June 6, 2013

Very busy day! Lately, mine have been very slow. Not much t do but cook and clean and I’m tired of that. I’m lazier than usual and just don’t feel like doing that all the time. I have some photo challenges to try this month and next so maybe that will inspire me to do more. Have a great day.

June 6, 2013

i can’t imagine sitting/laying in bed for 24 hours. as it is, i get up into my wheelchair and move from the family room to the living room so i can look out the front window and see different things. one spot would drive me crazy. sounds like a good idea to get the blood checked out. take care,

June 6, 2013

Oh my goodness you’re one busy lady! You must meet yourself coming & going. Please take care of yourself!

June 6, 2013

A full list of activities. hugs p