Not much going on here. This morning I forced myself to go swimming. I don’t know why it became such an effort. In Florida I swam six times a week.  I know that I had a sore foot last week so I didn’t go. It is a little better. I don’t really know what is wrong. I thought it was the "strap" from my sandals but I am not sure. Maybe it’s time for an X-ray?????


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Anyhow after swimming I went to a local grocery store and bought some food. I needed some stuff for our bridge game tonight.

I came home and made lunch. Then of course I had a nap.

The bridge game was fine. The group is so calm, friendly and easy going. We have some heated discussion over coffee!

Tomorrow I am planning to go to the dermatologist very early if I am up. I want to talk to her about staying safe in the sun. I also want to volunteer to help her in her home office. She has an open door policy so anyone can just come to her home and get a check up. The trouble is that people have to wait for hours. My friend was waiting for an appointment at the hospital She waited over two hours. She fell, hurt herself and still had to wait. I don’t know what the doctor’s reaction will be but I am determined to offer my services and see what she says.  She is burning out and people are getting fed up with the long waits.

I will visit my friend in the hospital and then at night we are going out for supper.

That’s about it!

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June 4, 2013

Hope your foot is better soon, if not an X ray might be in order.

I think that would be great for you, to volunteer like that! Hope your foot feels better soon!

June 5, 2013

volunteering is one way to spend time and feel useful. hope your foot feels better soon. take care,

June 5, 2013

Maybe you should get your foot looked at. Volunteering is a great thing to do!

June 5, 2013

Sounds like a good day. I went to my grandson Corey’s baseball game last evening. Today it is raining so am staying in. Have a great day. Love,