I am not positive but I think I woke up with anxiety. Awhile ago my daughter told me that I probably wasn’t depressed but had anxiety issues. I think she might be right. I feel so anxious whatever that means. Maybe going swimming will help. It certainly can’t hurt. Then I will go to stained glass. There is an knitting club meeting in the afternoon but I think I will just go sit at the outside pool if the weather is nice enough.

I think I complain a lot. At least when I write here but if I can’t express my true thoughts here what’s the use of writing. The only sad thing is that my children and others will know what I was going through when it is too late to do anything.

So tonight my friends and I are planning to go see a movie. I thinks e will go see PHILOMENA. Some have already seen it so they can go to another movie in the theatre or stay home.

I think I’ll go get ready. I feel too "anxious" to see here typing. The swimming pool is heated and should be very relaxing.

Have a relaxing day and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!!

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December 30, 2013

The heated swimming pool sounds exactly like something that will melt some of your anxiety away. Relax and enjoy your day!

December 30, 2013

if you’re having anxiety attacks a trip to your doctor would probably be a good thing. there is medication that can help with it. enjoy your swimming. take care,

December 30, 2013

Philomena is one movie I definitely intend to view. Relax and enjoy the New Year coming in, then I humbly suggest you talk with a psychologist early into the year ahead…it does seem you have a number of anxiety issues to deal with and I think professional help wil be more effective. hugs p

December 30, 2013

Happy New Year 🙂

December 30, 2013

take an herb called St John’s Wort, it really helps with anxiety

Hope you are feeling better by now. I hope YOU & your family have a very Happy New Year, & healthy, blessed, joyous and loving, too!!!!!! BigHUgz,

January 2, 2014

Interesting to read this question of anxiety or depression just after writing an entry about my husband’s issues–is he dealing with anxiety or depression, I asked. I still ask this and I know the mental health issues in our household are spreading in that I’m also feeling rather down after being around it for so long. I hope your intentional living and your attempts to counteract anxiety are paying off. Swimming and interacting with others seem to be good steps, don’t you think?

January 2, 2014

Interesting to read this question of anxiety or depression just after writing an entry about my husband’s issues–is he dealing with anxiety or depression, I asked. I still ask this and I know the mental health issues in our household are spreading in that I’m also feeling rather down after being around it for so long. I hope your intentional living and your attempts to counteract anxiety are paying off. Swimming and interacting with others seem to be good steps, don’t you think?

I’m sorry you were feeling anxious and hope you were able to relax in the heated pool. RYN:Australia, like Canada, is a country of migrants and continues to be so. We have an even higher annual resettlement rate of refugees per capita than does Canada, as I understand it. With them our migrants bring a diversity of culture – music, food, celebrations, attitudes – which enriches us all. In myexperience taking in different people has led not to trouble but to a far richer, more vibrant country. I’d be very sorry if they hadn’t brought their customs with them; I’d have missed all that delicious variety of food! I remember the white Australia of my childhood. No way would I want to go back to that. I include Muslims in my appreciation; my Muslim friends here add to my country’s richness. Australia’s one problem with refugees is our fear of those who arrive here uninvited, by boat, and the cruel way we are presently treating them in an effort to discourage them from coming. As far as I know, Canada doesn’t have a problem of boat people. What percentage of the refugees you accept are people who ask for asylum after arriving in Canada, do you know?