I was surprised this morning because I realized I haven’t written an entry for a few days. I  was busy most days. If I wasn’t busy I was taking a nap. Actually I’ve had a cold!!! Actually many of my friends have had colds! One day my nose was running so fast I couldn’t catch it but I tried so at least I got some exercise. LOL!!!!!!!!
Monday morning my daughter was still here. She only left about two o’clock. I played Canasta Monday at 12 so I had to leave. It’s turning out to be a lot of fun. I am playing with women who live alone or assisted living. It’s sad. One has trouble hearing; the other seeing etc. I am sure they are at least eighty.
I returned home, had a nap and made supper. We stayed home at night. Instead of working on a craft I slept on the couch.
Tuesday morning I went swimming. In the afternoon I took it easy(nap on the couch). At night we played bridge.
Wednesday I went swimming. Then I met my cousin for lunch. I came home to have a quick nap and then we played bridge.
So now it is Thursday morning. My cold is much better but still here. I’m going swimming and then I might go visit a friend. I think we’ll stay home at night.
I am trying to make a collage for my granddaughter. Not sure if I’ll cover the whole canvas with her pictures or what…………….I keep changing the layout. I was thinking about the background……………….
I finished an interesting book called I AM FORBIDDEN. It is about very religious Jewish families. Not sure what I’ll start today.
So going to have breakfast and start my day.

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June 7, 2012

sounds like you’ve been busy and having a good time enjoying yourself. take care,

June 7, 2012

Wow lots of napping, wish I had time for a nap!

I think a naps are needed to help get over a cold quicker. It sounds like you’ve have a lot of fun things to keep you busy. I’m sure your new Canasta friends are enjoying your fellowship 🙂