I can only base my two cents on my experience. I am definitely prejudiced.

Most men are wired different or mine is anyways. He is very slow.
He is very methodical.
He has to think things through over and over. How should he do it? How will it work? Will it work?
He can trip over anything that should go up or down the stairs and not see it or just not think of taking it with him.
If he has a few things to carry he needs to make individual trips for each thing. I once showed him how he could carry a few things at once. AMAZING!!!!!!! A mother learns how to do it out of necessity.
I stayed home to raise my family. Thank goodness I could. I took care of the home and children while hubby supported us.
I believe life is easier for a family if one parent can stay home. I think it is much better for the children. Traditional roles make life simpler. My son and his girlfriend work. They rush in the morning to take their children to school. Then they rush home at night to pick them up…… do homework, make supper and get them to bed. Everyday is stressful and exhausting. I don’t honestly know if one could stay home. Maybe if they lived in a smaller home in a different area.
Many hubbies resist anything do with house cleaning although I do think things are different now and many share the cleaning and looking after he children.
In a nutshell I think women have to GENTLY teach their hubbies how they can help. Many women are very bitchy. It makes them UGLY. it makes hubbies want to run away from their nagging. A hubby who works all day needs some time to rest when he returns home. A mother can usually make her own schedule and can usually find some down time.
In the end a couple has to do a lot of talking to fin out what will work for the two of them.

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September 19, 2010

I agree, men are definitely wired differently, but not always badly. And I also agree a family is more cohesive if one parent can be at home raising the children rather than childcare workers, but that also depends on the quality of the parenting. have a good day…hugs P

September 19, 2010

I am so thankful that I am able to stay at home. I once did an experiment where I asked dh to take something upstairs and then I set it on the first step. After 3 weeks it was still there. I gave up and said something to him about it and he said he just forgot. Yeah…

September 19, 2010

and sometimes the wife is the hubby and the hubby is the wife.

September 19, 2010

I agree two people have to really work together to make a relationship work:)

If someone else cared for Nora I wouldn’t know what I would do. I would definately feel like I was missing something. I think you are right though. As it is… I really feel like there isn’t much I can say. Hs job is labor intensive and tiring, I don’t think I can say anything to make things easier for myself. I think if I ask him to do a few small things it could work.. but I have to…

pick a good time to talk with him about it. As it is he gets defensive because he’s pretty tired I think. For now, I will just bck off. I’m sure as Nora grows it will get a little easier. Until then I’ll just do what I can and if the house isn’t up to my standards, I’ll just have to live with it, and him too.

September 19, 2010

Men are not observant, they can be looking right at something and not see it. The funniest thing was when my ex used to be looking in the fridge for say the ketchup and he would look and look and I would say it is right there!! And he would say where? And seriously it was right in front of him! Cracked me up every time. 😀

September 19, 2010

I agree with you 100%! Traditional roles make life at home go smoothly. It has always worked for us! hugs, Nicky

RYN: I’m taking a few classes that will count towards nursing. The deadline for application is June next year, so I’m trying to make my stuff look good before then so I can hopefully get in. If I don’t get in I’ll have to figure out something else. Luckily my classes are applicable towards a lot of other majors… We will see.