MY DAUGHTER’S HERE-7323 entries

My daughter arrived about nine. Usually she comes much later. We sat in the kitchen so she could have supper. I was a little sorry that I didn’t wait for her and make her lamb chops too but I never know exactly when she’ll arrive. 

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Anyhow we spent the evening chatting. She wanted to know why I was unhappy. She tried to get me to tell her what was bothering me. I explained as best I could but of course there was a lot I wouldn’t tell her. It was cute seeing her try to do a therapy session on me.

Hubby called to tell me he was playing golf in the country tomorrow. If I was there what would I do????? Maybe I would take the car but where would I go???? I am so much better off here. I am not sure if he’ll come home tomorrow night or not. I have a feeling he’ll stay over another night. By the time he comes home from golf he’ll have a drink with the boys and probably be too tired to drive home. I care and I don’t. I am happy he is having a good time. My daughter is going out tomorrow night so he won’t be able to see her if he does come home. If he comes home we won’t do anything but he’ll be here. If he doesn’t come home I’ll drive my daughter to her bachelorette party and then maybe visit my friends in the hospital. 
Anyhow after chatting, my daughter encouraged me to work on some crafts. It was fun. Maybe now I’ll do some when she isn’t here. I think that’s what she wanted. We went to sleep about 12. She slept with me so we had a sleepover. It also saved her from making the bed but she’ll have to do it tomorrow unless hubby comes home.
She invited her brothers for brunch. I know one son is coming but not sure about my other son and his family. WHATEVER!

It’s been very hot the past few days. I do not enjoy it at all.
Going to try to get some more sleep.

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June 1, 2013

It is cool here today. I did not go to Corey’s practice today, stayed home with Zach. Son in law fixed the washer this morning and is now trying it out. Love,

June 1, 2013

Sometimes it’s nice to be alone and have peace and quiet. Other times it’s nice to have company and crafts are always fun!