My daughter and her boyfriend arrived about nine thirty Friday night. They had stopped by to have a smoked meat sandwich before they got here. Does her boyfriend ever LOVE to eat! I don’t blame him. The smoked meat is delicious. Well after they got here we sat and chatted for a few hours.


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Saturday it rained and rained and rained. My two sons came over. We had lunch and talked and chatted together. In the evening my daughter went out with friends and we went to my friend who lost her husband. Her daughter and girlfriend was there. Another couple was also there. On the way we picked up smoked meat sandwiches for supper. It was at the same place my daughter and her boyfriend had eaten the night before. YUMMY! We stayed at my friend till almost 12!

One of my friends can’t eat smoked meat so he ate before we came. Another, who had the back operation ate a bit but claims everything tastes salty so she didn’t enjoy the sandwich. Hubby and I were the only ones who really enjoyed the sandwiches.

Sunday we stayed home until three. Then I took my daughter to her wedding. She looked wonderful in a long red dress. She was going to walk down the aisle. I should have gone to watch but I didn’t. I came home, showered and got dressed. We took her boyfriend to the wedding. Then we went to visit our friend in the hospital. Actually he is in a hospital for physical therapy etc. He is NOT a happy camper. He is so fed up as he has been in the hospital almost two months. He still doesn’t know that our friend died but his wife is planning to tell him Thursday. We came home about seven. We had supper and watched TV. All in all a relaxing day!

Today I am going to play Canasta as I couldn’t find anyone to take my place. Tonight we are going out for supper with our children. My daughter wants to go to a fondue place. I never really cared for it but that’s where she wants to go.

So the days and weeks pass by quickly. Tomorrow my daughter wants to go see the dermatologist I volunteer for. We will see if she does or she changes her mind. Then she will leave for home. Another week well on its way.
My hubby is still coughing and coughing. It is so annoying. He gets it much worse than me.
So do I go back to bed or not???? His coughing woke me up.

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June 24, 2013

Nice that you had time with your children. I went to a fondue place in St. Louis once and it seemed like a lot of to do just to get a meal.

June 24, 2013

Very best wishes, A

June 24, 2013

It is good you got some time with your children. Hope today is a good one for you. Love,

June 24, 2013

a lovely visit. hugs p

June 25, 2013

glad you had fun with your daughter

Fondue use to be a huge thing at one time. I remember it being very yummy. I didn’t know that they had restaurants like that. You sound very busy but in a good way.