This shows you feeling very anxious about something. It usually links with strong and difficult emotions, that you feel you do not know how to find a way through.

Because of the water, drowning depicts fear of being overwhelmed by difficult emotions or anxieties. But this might apply not to dangerous emotions or urges, but to natural urges such as eating, loving or sex, that some people have enormous conflicts about. Drowning in a dream is also about struggling to survive as a person, so it applies to your identity as it is dealing with relationship with other people, but also with your own internal world of instincts, body activities and needs.

Dreamt about someone else: May occasionally indicate your apprehension about their health or well being, having the suggestion of breakdown or death.

Example: ‘I fell into a pond. My brother was frightened to be by himself so he jumped in. We were both drowning in the water and we shouted out for Mum. My brother drowned.’ Poppy S.

Poppy dreamt this while young and feeling insecure and anxious due to her father being seriously ill.

Useful questions:

What is it I am feeling overwhelmed by recently?

Is this someone else drowning – if so what facet of me do they represent?

What resource or person could help me survive in this situation? (Imagine the thing or person with you.)

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February 1, 2013

Very interesting. Hope you find the answer in your search.

February 2, 2013

I love the water but I am afraid of drowning. Weird!

February 2, 2013

perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed with things but just not aware of it. take care, hugs p

February 2, 2013

Interesting. Never really looked into that. Love,

February 6, 2013