Yesterday I decided to ride my bike around the neighborhood instead of going swimming. I just rode around my condo trying to stay on roads that were without too many BUMPS AND POTHOLES. It was a challenge but I did it. I was out for approximately an hour. I am getting more use to riding my bike so I am sure one day it will be as easy as driving my car.
After the bike I went to the wool store. I bought some wool and patterns for a baby’s sweater. I was disappointed because the store will be closing in the Fall. Apparently the owner is about 65 and ready to retire. The saleswoman who served me told me that she and her friend are in the sixties. I told her that me and my friends are in the seventies and eighties!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyhow today I hope to get started on my knitting.
I went to a hot dog joint for lunch. Then I went to visit my friend who is at home sick. She actually looked quite good!!!!!!!! She has trouble breathing etc. My other friend who lost her husband was also there so I “killed two birds with one stone.”
At night we stayed home. I slept most of the evening as usual!
Now I am going to have breakfast and go swimming.
Have a great day.

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July 11, 2013

It’s so refreshing to hear of women ‘of age’ staying active. My mother did the same. Unfortunately I tend to be more like my Dad and hold down the recliner! I admire you!

I’ve been wondering about your bike… glad you’re making use of it! Are there any nice bike paths around? I’ll bet it’s great exercise…!

Glad you are enjoying your bike! Hope someone buys the yarn shop

Good for you!

July 11, 2013

Glad you finally used your bike, seems like you have been talking about riding it forever 😉

July 11, 2013

glad you had fun on your bike. Enjoy your knitting too. hugs p

July 11, 2013

Sounds like a good bike ride. The only good thing about them closing is that there should be some really good sales at the end.

July 11, 2013

Good for you for riding your bike. It’s very good exercise 🙂

I really want to get a bike! Good for you for doing that. My mum is a very good knitter. I have no patience for it.

July 12, 2013

so glad to hear you are out and about on your bicycle. who knows, you might end up meeting someone and making a new friend. once i can walk again, i’ll be going back to the gym. i can hardly wait til that happens! take care,

July 13, 2013

You’ve been pretty active. Maybe that is part of the reason you are feeling happy.