I am upset once again but it’s nothing new. I guess that is why I am trying to succeed at my business. I told you that I ordered the IPAD. Well my hubby keeps reminding me that he bought it for me. He keeps saying I have enough money every month to save up for one. Of course I could if I really wanted to. BUT WHY CAN’T HE JUST PAY FOR IT? I don’t think he ever thinks that we both worked hard for the money we have now. Didn’t I work in the house for over twenty years or more, twenty four hours a day? He retired but did I? NO!!!!!!!! he expects to be waited on hand and foot and I really do try to cater to him especially as far as meals are concerned.
On the other hand he puts a large sum of money in my grandson’s account every month. I wouldn’t care if he would just stop accusing me of spending too much. What started the argument tonight was because he offered to buy my son a new barbecue. I suggested he give our son the one that sits on our balcony and is never used. He says it is old and has started to rust. I don’t know. I haven’t looked.
My point was WHY will he spend money on my son yet NEVER ON ME!!!!! Why can’t he allow me to enjoy what I have and buy? I buy plenty for our grandchildren from my allowance. I buy a lot for myself using my VISA which he doesn’t pay for. I just don’t understand him and never have. I so much want to be a success in my business so I can tell him to take HIS money and stick it where the sun don’t shine. He always upsets me when it comes to money. I never have a good comeback.
I wanted to buy my daughter the KINDLE! He is the one that said we should wait for the IPAD to come out!
I get so frustrated and upset. I don’t think we will ever work this out. I guess I will just have to live with our situation as it won’t change unless I start making money. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!



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May 23, 2010

Oh honey, I’m wishing you only the best of luck!

May 23, 2010

Prayers for your business success. I don’t know why some men get territorial about money. I’d just remind him that you’ve basically done your job for free all your life, and if he’d had to pay you fair wages all those years, your wealth would be about even. RYN: Thanks for your note.

I can see why that would be upsetting. They do say arguments about finances are more common than anything in marriages. Just wondering: Do you buy him anything for his birthday, anniversary or ‘just because’? Mehmet is not a gift buyer either, not on his own. He’s making efforts to change that, because he knows how much I love him being thoughtful that way. Men are just so different.

May 23, 2010

Good Luck!!! And I agree with Mama Blue, if ur stay at home job was paid then u’d have more money than he could ever bring in. Men and their finance issues….sad.

May 23, 2010

Sounds like your hubby is a bit old fashioned about money. Maybe you should insist that he pay you for ALL the things you do for him, oh wait, he couldn’t afford you! 😉

May 23, 2010

Well, I definitely will pray you start earning money. Do pray your business is a success. Love,

May 24, 2010

wishing you the very best of luck!!! money can be such a problem in a marriage. take care,

Your husband is stealing money from you! The money he is hoarding belongs to you equally. Educate yourself about his finances before something happens. You need to learn how to take care of it and make sure your name is on everything. It’s not as hard as it sounds. You have rights. Stand up for yourself and tell him off! What’s the worst that can happen? He gets grumpier? 🙂

May 26, 2010

its such a pity you don’t have a shared bank account like many couples. You are right…..he may have gone off to the office every day but keeping a home together is a valuable and important job too….you have contributed. That said… once your new business takes off I am sure you will appreciate the financial independence yourself. Take care. hugs P

May 29, 2010

I’m sorry your hubby is such a jerk about the money you two amassed during your marriage.