THIS IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!!


I am going to paint this morning. I must! I have to! I want to!!!!!!!!
I was up very early. Sometimes I think I am like a baby. I changed my nights into days.
I am still going through pictures. I am separating the ones I want to put on the wall. I will consult with hubby when he comes home this afternoon. Yesterday I threw out many pictures – some were scenery – some I didn’t know who they were. I’ve also started to think about how many pictures I need of one person. My children should be happy I am doing all this for them. When I finish all the pictures will be in albums or have a name on the back at least.
I am going to write my son and his girlfriend an email congratulating them and asking if they need any help.
So we have two weddings in September! One in Toronto on September 4 and one here September 24th.
I am saving money big time to help pay for my fun in New York. Last year I saved about 1000. I hope I can do the same this year. Not driving has certainly made it easier to save. Also not taking my grandchildren every week has also helped me save. I have paid down all my bills and going strong………………
I love living in this condo. I feel so safe here and it’s so comfortable. Hubby feels the same. last week he said that he wouldn’t feel bad if we couldn’t go to Florida. I couldn’t believe it.
I am going to start making Faberge eggs again. My friend will do it with me. We are going to make an order today for new supplies. Everyone is so impressed with my eggs. Also my doll collection. Now my friend suggested that I hang my plates that I decorated on the kitchen wall so I will. I just have to get some hangers.
I don’t know why but a lot o bugs gather between the doors to the balcony. My cleaning lady cleaned it out on Monday and sprayed but I see some more bugs. They look like the flying kind. I wonder if they are attracted to the lights at night. After all we are on the 12th floor.
Some man came to look at my camera yesterday. Turns out he’s a dealer. He said there is mold in the lens???????? I never heard of that. I must look it up. There’s another person interested. I hope he will come today. I guess I will lower my price if I have to. Money is money. Whatever I get will be found money. I will sue it to pay down my debts.
So I will relax and then paint. Have a happy, cool day.

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August 3, 2011

you sound happy this morning! made me smile. i should see if i can sell my 35mm film camera. i haven’t used it in over 5 years. probably will never use it again. it’s just sitting around taking up space and collecting dust. would love to see some of your paintings. take care,

August 3, 2011

Glad you’re feeling at home in the condo after you were so worried about moving there! (huggles)

August 3, 2011

You sound so happy….and that’s wonderful!!