I picked up my grandson after school and told him our plans for the afternoon and evening. He had the end of a cold so wasn’t feeling that well. I wish I would have been smarter and taken him on the weekend.
Anyhow I drove straight downtown – at least a half hour away but I told him a story so he was fine. The moral of the story was to tell people if something was bothering you. I don’t think he got it……………..Apparently he doesn’t talk about his feelings……..
Anyhow we went to the Contemporary museum. Only the permanent exhibition was open. He really enjoyed it as we do abstract painting. Then we went to pick up our tickets and have supper at Cage aux Sports.
We went to see Disney on Ice. When it started I realized that maybe, just maybe he was too OLD for the show. A lot of the kids in the audience were much younger. When Mickey and the other characters came out on ice a little girl beside me was besides herself. My grandson didn’t seem excited at all. I am not sure if it’s because he was tired and had the cold or he was just too old. I wish I had decided to take him on the weekend. Anyhow the show was enjoyable and when I asked him if he wanted to leave he said no. We were sitting right near the stage on the ground floor. I never sit so close. I usually sit about ten to fifteen rows back because I think you get a better view of the whole stage. This confirmed it for me. You get and overall view if you sit further away from the stage.
The show finished about nine. He didn’t want any souvenir…………………..I have to remember he is growing up. I took him home. Hopefully he enjoyed himself. I know I have wanted to take him to the museum for a long time.
I will start to play games with him such as CHESS and checkers. I have to remember that he is getting older and so am I. Games will be a challenge for both of us and not too active for me.
I went to TOYS R US yesterday and bought some games. Today I will take them back as I spent too much when it wasn’t necessary at all. I probably could get the games at the Dollar Store. I am CRAZY but I will rectify my misrtake.
Next I would like to take him to see GUYS AND DOLLS but he might be too young! OY!!!!!! I think he is at an awkward age.

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