I guess whining and complaining are what I do best. I also decided that I am a miserable, unhappy person and I like it this way. I am use to it. On the other hand I feel very abandoned and neglected by my hubby who has taken up golf with a passion. He is golfing four days a week. True I have my own things to do but for whatever reason I am jealous that he is enjoying the golf so much. Right now he just came back and he is writing his name on the golf balls. He is playing Thursday. True we have no plans but the clubhouse is closed. What will I do? He is leaving car so maybe……………………………………………I can’t think of anything to do besides shopping and we all know I shouldn’t do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAYBE I NEED TO ARRANGE A MAH JONGG GAME.

I realize that part of the problem is I don’t want to be responsible for our social life, celebrating our holidays, doing dishes and cleaning etc. etc. I am sure women will understand this. My hubby stopped working so even though he pays the bills that’s all he has to do. Not like me. Since we’re married I’ve been doing everything. When do I get to retire? I DON’T WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, OUR SOCIAL LIFE. CLEANING, COOKING ETC. TONIGHT IS THE FIRST NIGHT OF HANUKAH. I DID NOT BRING IN ANY DECORATIONS. I AM SURE MY HUBBY DOESN’T CARE AND I DON’T ANYMORE. I guess I just have to do the bare minimum and that’s all.

So I am NOT a happy camper and I guess I never am or will be. I don’t care. I will not try to be happy because I’m not and don’t know what will make me happy. Right now I could care less. I am miserable. That’s it and that’s all.



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Wow! So sorry you feel that way.

November 27, 2013

wow! i am so sorry you feel so miserable and yet aren’t willing to do anything to change it. do you really like feeling like you do? if you don’t… maybe you could think about seeing a doctor for some meds to help you to feel better. prayers things change for you, that you find something that makes you feel better or even happy. take care,

November 27, 2013

I can only think about the Lincoln quote “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be”

November 27, 2013

yes, just do what you want to do. if your hubby won’t pitch in, don’t do any more than you want to. besides, once you get older, priorities change and some things just don’t mean as much as they used to. perhaps, you feel like that and maybe feel guilty for not caring like you used to? if that’s it…. drop that guilty feeling and enjoy what you want to do. your hubby is enjoying his retirement…start enjoying your’s. you deserve to retire just like your hubby. take care,

November 27, 2013

have you considered why he might choose to go golfing so often? hugs p

November 27, 2013

I am saddened by this. Women do a lot but don’t you have a cleaning lady and vacation homes. You have it way easier than most anyone I know. When my husband does his hobbies I read, watch a movie, listen to music. I hope tomorrow is better for you!