I can’t believe how long OD was out of order. I don’t know what the Diary Master is thinking. I will never understand why he doesn’t "come clean" and explain to all of us where he’s at and what he’s planning to do with the site. I guess that’s why I come to this site less and less. I’m not even going to Prosebox.

So much doing here.

First I am so appreciative that I am in Florida and not back in Canada where the weather has been terrible. 

Yesterday we celebrated our FIFTIETH wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful day spent with our eldest son. He drove all the way from Montreal to be with us. He will be leaving Tuesday. I am so glad he came but I worry about his drive home. I will pray that the roads are clean and safe.

Activities have come to a halt due to the holidays and my son being here. I haven’t swam or gone to classes. It’s good to have a break in my routine.

I trashed my stained glass piece I was working on. I just wasn’t happy how it was going. One of our teachers came over and told me  that I should be relaxed and enjoying my work. I WASN’T!!!!! I was struggling to get it done. His words sent me a message. I will not go every day. I started a different piece. An abstract piece. So far all I have is two large hearts.

Yesterday I went to get a manicure and had my nails cut. I also went to a New Age store and bought some exciting things for my grandchildren and myself of course.

Tomorrow I will stay home with my son. He leaves on Tuesday. Hubby is going to play golf. I really don’t understand how he can leave when our son drove all the way to be with us. Men certainly think differently.

Anyhow I better get back to bed. I hope we can keep coming and enjoying this site. Good night all. Merry Christmas and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!!!



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December 23, 2013

yes, men do think differently. it’s not easy to understand them. take care,

December 23, 2013

As cold as I am here in Colorado today, I am ready to come to Florida. Men are hard to understand. I think their brains are wired differently than ours. Hang in there. Love,

December 23, 2013

Happy 50th Anniversary!

December 23, 2013

I’ve decided not to try to love PB but to be thankful OD is back and better than it was before. Yesterday a few people talked about their 50th wedding anniversaries and I realized we will never achieve this. We’ve been married for almost two years and I’m sad about how it isn’t sticking well. Hearing of those who have done it is encouraging and gives me hope, yet I realize it takes two and I’m only one person. Wow, didn’t mean to be a downer on your uplifting entry! I’m also glad you’re in Florida instead of Canada for this season…

December 23, 2013

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary. The big freeze in Canada has been mentioned on our news here too, as we enjoy a hot summer. OD went offline ( and they explained it on their FB page) to switch over to a different server, which, due to the immensity of the site took a while. It was off for about 10 days but is now working perfectly…better than it has been in a long time. I used PB temporarily but would never leave OD unless it left us altogether. Have a great Christmas…hugs p

December 23, 2013

Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary!! A bit late, but from the heart. Enjoy your son. With hubby golfing, that gives you and son some one on one time, which I’m sure hardly ever happens. Bask in the blessing of having your son all to yourself and maybe have lunch or something at the house. God Bless and I’m really glad that OD is working great today!

Happy 50th!

I’m really enjoying ProseBox. It’s fast and clean, and the guy who runs it communicates constantly. That’s no guarantee that it will stay that way, but my loyalty to OD vanished when the DM’s loyalty to us did. I agree that he should communicate. It’s not okay to just leave PAYING customers hanging like that. I wish you’d consider PB. It’d grow on you! And yes, men sure are wired differently!